Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 4, 22 Mei 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

eluiieiali luisi beeu made j i'riuie Miuister of EtJgUuul. This ir; ratlier disappoiiiting. We had liopeil ali the īiiae the Duehess ot \Viudsov wouki get tlie appōinttuenr and p«t a iittle Yaxikee "ouuiph" inlo Uk- iuoth-e;iten Rri<ahinet. Secretary Hull warns that the wor{d may return to the dark ages. Maybe that's the only way the world ean get back on a peaee basis. They didn't have such a thing as a blit2krieg in those days. WORDS WE'RE BEGINNING T0 HATE: Biitzkrieg. Neatraiity. Proi*agimdii. Ooiiiuiunkiue. Appeasenient. - Bla«kout. Third īeim. Hitler is beginning to make Europe look pretty mueh like a scrambled egg. i,arry de Mello, iuusīcinu de luxe, says this is the worst eoluum of junk he ever read, whieh lias hurt our teuder and sensitive i'eelings. llowever, it eould be wor.<e -even as bad as I.avry's horn tootin". BULL-ETIN

"As Prime Minister of Enlain, I dtd the best I could." WITH ACLUB The Cave M.u\ \va-< a \vonderful Mlow. Aii-i ihe t>ulv <hnp lhnt ever wiis knowu To s\ierpssfutl,v i«aruijre a woman, 1940 simisc: As brief as th« independe«ce of lc«fand. OaV't. 01d BiU, the Vr« i>i "Uk» li(ntor H>le" is back wt th<i VVcs!crn Fr<»m :tgain wltli the BriUsh anr,y. V>\u this time lle hfls hi- \*\u oh! son "With hhn, . arīi«ms nve lwiing p\lhUsho<l iii ;!io N. Y. Sun<l;f.v Mirror, «nd aro ftmrt!fr ihan t?ver. NOT SAT)SFIED WiTH ONE

San d y McPh«rson was asked what he wou!d do if'he awoke one morning a«d d<sco» vered that he wai a

mlHonaiee. Hc #Ard he woud 60 to sieep «aain and «ee I? he couid make anoth«r mUUon, OESERT POME NO. 72 Out oti Un s des*>rt A:v a vhtoks, Thf svui %va< iiot *fhp *>sjr* h;itclwd "īn !he sticks." LATEST WAR JOKE "Keep on fighting, boySt"" **id the ge«*?ra!. "Never dte Never g»ve up u»ti! >our t*st «hot th<rn lun, l*ot 4 litt'c t|me te *m stArtmg no*" Th«» N.;-U l i! oulU'j ca!\v tt> i:>\ . U ! hul jost w.iī? ur>?H <lio> (r,\ takr īreittiKi ChambeHairt s$ rsow plasirtfl M cond fidd!e. W<! ! , he"s be<n f.<i dfins around al"cut enough Th«t T « what Nerc wu whiie Remt biu k f>ed Waiuk im„ s;.,' <>f W»l»kw< 1 ;v, 1( 5 w?vrv 'iu' Kd tlrti h*»* *tV, o» M* lio'ami. S.3tc thlfll?s U \\-<a K. ■ t b t vu «li«^K s r for th<M» 11> havt H iuotfern

Li.ttle Streamline6 Mys if« no . wonder the Germans ean around so fast. After taking all the Fjords from Norway they j take away France's Sedan. ! If the UwHeel Stutos gets into the J big scrap, it is understoocl that tlie :rovprninont will c(>nsoript all the !ikktown postniasters ai:d put them in the censorship b\ireau, becauss they have had s'o mueh experience reading other i»eoples' mail. Onee upon a time a Hilo man wrote a letter to a Honolulu firm and got an answer on the next mail. '•\Vhai's Doc Aiiains doing on the l>iy Islaud?" "Oh. just This aud That. ,, The Outch managed to get theif navy safely away from Hotland, but they didn't have time to piek up their windmills. BIiITISH DE.\Y LOSS OF OAPtured SHIP. — Xewispaper hea<lUne. . TeW the priuter to keep that heaiiing s*u up for daily use. So many kings have lost their ! jobs in Europe tat«ly that they ought to get tog«ther and organize an Ex-King's cSub. Ihe Euflish are hopiug the Ueruiaua wou'l bomb Eugiand in the aiminoou. li woulā interfere with the ' a\vfternooQ tea." SOURPUSS SAM SAYS;

**One good feature about tht* new war is that it hasn't dev«toped

any r»ew vjsar sorses hke "1 Dion t Rais« My Boy To Be A So!dier." A jmy we eau not Staod at ail ls tUē hi€siclier pvsi Wko shouts j "Pl»i Fooltsh que«tion No. 6606: "Oo you think we'U get into the war?" B«by hoy, just born to a Palialn eouiīle, has beeu nauieU after a iok'ai nevvt?i>hi>er. As a mark of gratitude, the jHK»r kid wiil i>n»bal>ly ®eel obligated to becowe a uewsi>a per reporter wheu he growi; up. Onee again !ittie Bejium has becōme the ham in the sandwtch. It is tak!ug stx t>lg vtni tv 11 „ the nm eotttiu£tSiit vf W>lra\ u m>opsi tv> Ihe wiU' *ouv\ I roiii i>re srr,? 531,11, ;ii!.n\s vut x\d'' K u īulr<vl to Uikv llunu ba<k. What thie country "eeds is a good 25c mao*xlne that ean be bought f©r a dime. MAN OV ERBOAIU>!