Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 3, 15 May 1940 — Axes Found In Kona Identified [ARTICLE]
Axes Found In Kona Identified
•' * I ldeuliiit.-atioQ of . tiie iarge, hat cbet-sUaped axe£ ioUUd iu Koua. , have heeu reoeived at the Bis&op. ilamum from the reabodj' Huaeiuu al iiaieui, mud Dr. Wiiliaiu Alaun, Houoluiu deutial. The heuvj- edged tool i£ kuown as a broad-ase. For uiauji jfe&rs U i Ueeu u favorite tool of | wrights uud otherb wjho had Uia i ta«ik of hewiog uum; Umb«r& | Ur. Mauu «aid he had $em just | aut-U au axe aa the t>ue plctur«d Ul | a uewspaper l«£i moulh» | beiug u«ed to h«W lofifc lu T«uu«s | Ii Uad a beve\ on <jn« *ad ssns «(t«<\ntWMl \>» a t?hort UauAle. i W. L, W. i<saUm t <Jirevtor *! ii»e k'eahoih Musesza wilLes: "Xbe ( a&e ia a broad-axe such at u&ed bf , sliipwrights arouud here for m&uj I jr«avs aud is uow iu use iu yar3s j vvhere wood is StiU u«ed Fsrti ?,v eur> or uiore ago ī saw a mau j syuare ouv a uuiber with sucb au j auii U*e surface& were ala>o>t \ && &mooth as> if piaued." ( H*» that ihe ases fouud | iu liawaii might have beeu aiade I hy « W*rVstaUh aPound *he iu!ddl<? ,>• ilu' ;;>t <rmurv. Tlu» «artier 1 t.vpe had a sllshito diftertna s3iaj>»> ;iiid 1.-n-kiNl the l»evel. J The fim broad-4»xie was brvught U> 1 ntshop for idenUficatloii | by Warreu M. Uobinsv>u, of Hv>iioj lulu, AprH It, He stated that k ! had htvu foutul īii Kona. Uis uow |on exbft»H!ou at T*isibop ] On .\i«-n *JS4 a was tvoeivtd ] at ihe froiu Tre ! of y?;iUtt«L, Hawali, Ote^ ? rrtblng sn «Unost l\tentie&l «ue whleh he had ft>und <.m the isiaud of HRWSitt s*verāl $ears before. Tlie seoond axa laekeOL a These inūieale that the »xes maj not verj o!ti Howt>wr, thev represeut oae uione trad«k ooutact wHli A:uericaii sea | «tto.