Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 3, 15 May 1940 — LESSON IN HAWAIIAN [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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eoloi'i'ul i;m^i e for īhe einiiee vvas | turnis.hi'(.l hy .7oe Clitz -.ukl hi< j Swingcopators. —News item. i Tliat's the oitly kiin.l oi' niusic we | hear n<iw;ich*ys — eoloi'Ail, lieeause j ii wilh ihe roloroil j "Thanks for everything", said j the fat pig as he was about to be j butchered by his owner. "l've re- j membered you in my swill." j DOUBLE j

l.itrte Streamli.nes tried to : munieil ;is two in the recont census, j ber;tuse slio ■ sa.vs slie is doing t\vo , i>eoples" work. ■ . ■ ■ « i 1940 simile: As non-exister»t | as the Danish army. , ;! Foreoii.s(: Tlie new dictiooaries ! wiU eoni.iin a new word —blit2- \ krie;ī. j ■ ■ J Wanda Waffleiron, the belle of j Waiakea. when she was asked the other day whiere most of our pork comes from, answered: ChiHo6o. DUMB ANSWER NO. 397: "\Vfwtv-s; big l>ōs^ f givsie;" . "He"s not in." SMALL BOYS W)LL ENJOY |T

first impre£ston& of a btackoyt. An<i just thmk of all the m&ney the power companies wiU lose wti»)e the b!ackout is aa. MODERN VERSION ' <»W Kitis Ooai j Was n merry old soul, j And a nn'rry oki soul waii he, ] \vithout ooal .j They r.mldu't move j The warshi|)S ol . . .j aml Mussoit-a*»e, j —ltKvesir-o!d s< h<K)l kld. i j Past sixt>, Biiiic Burke, &crcen ~ star is still "purty." Koko-nuts , is makirig a speciai trip to New j York to find out how she does il. j DESERT POME NO, 71 j As]«h?ii ilm desert | tttwath īht> hr!ghl uiooa j ls a salesma,u I Whn \r;is hom iuaejl • SOU RPUSS SAM SAYS; i

« Scotchman i wou>d be wi!!ing to dig up the money to buUd |

th3t Papaīkou Pepeekeo road aft«r tryt«a to drive oycr the eld r-o*d on a $aturday afternoon, when 4(1 thc Filipino* are headedl towards Hllo." liep RtW(!,V whoM» uuiue Imnm» m f ihi> « oluum for *Hll S{»VuKl U' U v «t}un«tnsr H< .;»n she most ♦i(hī,v o» Sovp msrrt«p' v«u «>\d» r.t Aiui stiil hfle"is llSlo's jh >ss hs> h^Sor. H«re'* a most wo«derful Front p«s« headinfl. Koko Nuts drove htt car home f rom a Japanese we4dma- • HWw Prh«m »ill lw ou liop k(iw< hi oS£hi inniiilli'- \V<'iuUi if h*> fctwws Hriti.iul.-t h*> Imlauium U»ry rlu»U««sl?sTr> ilu- kun'K * CLABSiriEO AO rOf* SAL€ CH£ApSonp um- j in gcod <onditiOrf. Af&') PHme Nev»ile Civ*mUei

lain, 70 Downing Street, London, Eng!and. MODERN VERSION ln tlie si>riag j A ,vo!iag.mujrs faacy I Li«luly turns io j Tinuight oi' "\Vliere I ian I ji'ei <i joh f'or ilie suiuiuei';" | BULL-ETIN i

"I never fail to contribute some- j thmg to Music Week." , ■;■ ■;: ■;. . ;'l Turkisli newsyap! r sa.vs tliy Al- ' Hes iire too slow. i Now we know for suje Turkey iias goue moderu. The best e*ample of peaee, is Ferdinand the Bull. | ■~ I MUST B£ NEW TYPE OF i BATTLESHIPS | Alexandria, Mu.\ 6— A tu>w squud-1 i uii ot Allied «ursiiij.is arrived liere , today. Briiisii o£Cicial circles suid (lse.v ure reu<i> to meet Italy ON THE LA.\L>, at sea or IX i iIE Alii | siiould she decide to tight. NORWAY OFFJCiAC« ARRiVE FOR TALKS.—Newspaper headUne. And that's ali thetr vistt to London will amount to. Miliion do!hirs reward is oitered for the capture of Hitler. If Hitlef is wi>rth a īuiHion, o«?h! to i»e wonh ;ii ieast four cto]];)rs. MARRIED LIFE (N WONDERFUL.—Newspaper headline. But Father Div i n e says. "'Peaee. it is -■ onderful." If this insignificant person were : asked who was the .outstandins | screen actor of 1939, he wouid |>Pompt!y vote Ferdinand the Bull. si)bn!;irines, it is rttp" l U'l <TBising alottß the KngUi}h u t | h:ivo Jokes mununi oju tlieir sides. the Engiish caa't i Joke.

The most unusua! af. terdinner speech was delivered at a recent banquet fey n© less a person than our oid

'nend, Sandy McPher*on, who mere»y satd: *'!'!! pay the biil." On a slah fn the morgue !.tes poor rercj , He sipnaled left turu When it Uave l>mi ri>du. o»rke»t Mom«nt; Whe» the tax 6<jllestor sends you a btu for Ifve year's back poii taxe&. rKRXAN*DO EL TOKO.

lM*oit*e, n. Ma'i I>li«?ujU4irk. v. *» iuk.i v. K knla i ka hihi», w oh? i kii hiliia. _ v. E w*>he s ka hihiti I >isf;ivot\ «. MaUu km>* ka iuh ; nao. ] V. K iKIUIvUIUV. Si"U. tUMi l>iSlSl"jUV, l*. iUOH iiH', i IU. UMMUIU 4UH<«ii. , iwukii» Km. s\\u. &luitu«Ail x, K hiNiU""!. li. s» k« UMUHW , -uU. IVlaih?U Uau lUiii HW. IMkli. m. H( l )*. u|k f . ka wi iloko |w. ! V i; iilHMAMikl' UiHliH' S.\ 1,. w.N, V ; ,n.,

! liMiia nplkl. 1 •i>hon*'si.v, u. iUuui kuiK4H* v»ie« i-aiu «piki. i UMHHioi'. v. I. K hoiua K iioole, ii' iM,>ilOUvi| u uul, « IIIHIU' l Kii i»U* ti«t«u m»4b«wiu !»!*>. aUj. KuiMHlO «1*? i kii •' ■ ' U. V*«l P«. IM»tUI<KI. V. K lUMUMI«IU«C l k« Oit m%K i ! i,-.)iivvium. u, Ka hootu«<;uiAf & Uii i k* iuo, i'iMuuwu* v* t» tuai ka hvK> iiiiiii «ua. v. £ hu*i, *<U, £«-*«*« \»k, kiiU«kv \i k» Uv*KliXV i>«>k. ti. u? Ui 4mi«iU*Uhtt |»i)eiH>t\ iiui! S Mlski k?i Sii ltt !a, i vs*i»vo. v, K \>k\ \. K i k* iVM UiAl ! «aat, *\vu. di«pl*ce. u, k« hiHui» aiui o ka iW. u.;«i tv<Uia aidti. j 1 »<xsvHi}iv. v. K Ih^uk* 4 HMii kahi m4ivv ; «vij, M«n«v« kw' fiU ! i'UHi. ' i »vy. t, i\«uii«|k A iliMiUki. ,5 u il.

A «iiMiia I ht" , iv*ML fa*UlaaMu l V, £ l M !&• . k«s <? Wuek i k* «m»ku l tt|i Ukw , iu*ta«y u. uul, , Y. £ )»N4lkift. lU«4ttitKMtki, «. Kp iwokuu IMsok»«»i, V, ij: i«|* tHs-, <«\H« «,fcK«i»e k « U&&; mml )Ul līo.. j . 1 «4* i \ «4 K**riā» h^.WU«, 4,«*° 4 kt* lA*m j V. « ll«*v)M ot«k 13?" | i» 1 ( ite^ t rvk4iv, *«.,!. «4t.| £. 3§4&. „