Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 2, 8 May 1940 — Rev. De Silva To Return Next Month [ARTICLE]
Rev. De Silva To Return Next Month
Word has been receivwi lu ilUo that thft Kev ,B, G. de i3iiva, fortuer pastor of the l'ortugut'&e Cbristian ohurob of Hllo. oow ti»e Ceatral Christiaja churdi, wili returu to Milo frooi Juglewood, willi } part of lUs faroily about th« eud'o! ) next month. One sou anōi one i itaughter wiii muain in CaHforniu | untii August. i fier. de SUva's mauv friec4s will weleouie his return lo Hilo. He aaul bi& laiuili iefi here ia>L Ucu.>,her.