Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 2, 8 May 1940 — Reward Offered For Der Feuhrer [ARTICLE]
Reward Offered For Der Feuhrer
WASHINOTON —An «ffer by Sanm«l H. Chureh, pre*ide»t of tlie <4araegrie lQßtttul«, of a $1,000,(»0(5 r«w*rd for Uie eapture of Adoif 44!*}««% hflH prompted th« etute pßrtmelJt to sttidy tlie neturalīfy ■pw*ift«*ation. I Oflficittls lwve decliß«d to l-oui- j raem opmly oa- wtoetber the offer' dtm-rty trivoTve4 any s«<'tT<ms ot | the protlamation. I The reward lg goo<i d«riug the monīh of Maj- for delirery of H!t?er alīve īnto cfflstodv of t!ie of *¥fatfons for tr!at. " The ōffēr was ] raa<ie ia gsoo<J falth op l>ehalf of « j | group of Pitt»burgii resideats, and
! was out?ined !n a ieter >>ent to th<? Now York T!mes.