Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 2, 8 Mei 1940 — U. S. Plane Production Now 17,500 [ARTICLE]
U. S. Plane Production Now 17,500
A M AJfc» U JLr J[ S — o@neral Heory H. Ariiold, dū«l oi Uie &ru\y air corps* estiiuated ia a spoecb Saturda; ui£iit that 43 aviatiou piauu in the natioa possess a proUuctive capacity ot 17,600 piaue» an»ually, with 23 plauts busj- with <aiiitary ortlers. U« said the aip»fort-€ so far has iearued from the Eui-opeau war tl»at uiiiitary aircraft require leak--proof tanks, thut sowe x*artloub of Uie plaues utust be armoreil r Uiat uoaehine guu caHbre uiust be iucmused lrom .30 to .50, that boujber« have heeu easy prey to Bghter piaue« when the latler possesis lail sguus, aud that cruisiug. range of bouibers must be inureased.