Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 2, 8 May 1940 — Papaikou-Pepeekeo Road Money Assured [ARTICLE]

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Papaikou-Pepeekeo Road Money Assured

| A .uenei'ou* uftor of G» Brevv<jr & j Cv»„ Lid., lo advauce a co&sidera> ' ), - t ' slU!; towurds Uie o\»unty % s n*ed- . i-u $ōo,uw wi' Uw u ueliou <\i the pr\»i»osid r.>,id w as im*4c kuuwu llils v\XH)k, Ihe Bivwor b «tlUu« . i'Ul UIV U!4 SVH>U Ai! it Uas I iwu as>U!od Uu wiU Im; | i»ack ihnn&U H $4K\ŪSII *.uiO c«ut «a* j mx luvM«(st\ i | A rvvhnv of <ho a»tu«tkui | |4-rvMiUou «i W»;ducs4i»4s | iho tnvard of fut»misvvr6 Uj.\Gvw |tK»n U. Scru(oji, oxisaitlv« «.\JvtH-! j v?£ Uio HiKi viuuuber t>f | iu*;rv\>. | j Svruu*u rxv*d u m&luiUm 4wus*c<l I īULs> week Kv lh»ard of dii\Hlui> i v»C tlH* ch«tulHT, »UMM(iiU( k pittt , !•-' i*\urv tV.c t\Huru v»f k>*u ' t*»«vUsh Uh» «*M|4ktM: t«X «lld 4 ū.u \Uc '<utu«u m> ihai Uh> (I,vHU»4 C*B be UMvV ">• v*UU-ki,\ iih .v umulH'i |\K'Ai «tud iu<UvUUMIS h«vx> *®U«w iii*. Ihvsv, U, i>uvi<e« 4 UuU &KKKU tW lUkv »tectric Ughl Ow, Uid.. $lv\k»„ .\Uu* Tr*usiHvrt «h*. SS00; t|ik> U4+ u. 1* ts WWP thasi ?o!t<et I tuu.s ftsU s«> w> M nt 3*\< in !«uu iu | cti« jtAV JHO4I b* v«

rtS?cē3f uiiffl Hie iDtere%t i» i-oiki.*!, Lut iu the event a bill advo<*a(eil by Louls S! Cafn, su ix*i'imt'īi(iriit of public works, whkh calls f»»r a t\vo-ceilf tax liicrease onl gasoline ;ill over tlie l>e «t ihe ne*t btws.iuiji vf the terrltoi mi l^isl^tur e tUe i»rvi>o«;J 4.uc «;eut t!e»«ur> f il |« aaid.