Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 2, 8 May 1940 — GOP Coatab Set For July 29th [ARTICLE]
GOP Coatab Set For July 29th
HONOLULU — The HepuWleau central «rtamlttēo last get Monday, July 20, «s thf <late ?br' riip t£rritovi«! p!ntforin rorivetiflon. The coßjmittee teft fhe seof a plaee f»r tlie meetlng to Foster L. Davis, ehainnan, aud ī'iiilip S. Pell, with tlie Alex»nder Hotel roof garden helng jāven tlie first uiul the McKlnley liīgh school auJilorium se>ond pre ference. Ia addltion to adoptiqn of a piatforin for tlie 3940 tampaign, tfie party ls to select a new ceritral commlttee. T Pre«'iiict clubs tlironghout the territory are to meet on Mny 16 ~ffcr th<* noniiuation of new offlc-ers, couiitj' <?oiamitteeiiit i n and <Jel*egfltes io t)u' July coiivention. In event inore ihan the reuuired nuniber are nominmeil by auy rtub, an electlon must be helel oii M:iy 25. If only the re<iulred nuini>or is noiulhated tl»w(> nomlnated shall iie declared elected. Jaiues p. WiniH', nalional eomI iuitteenian, sald n ser!es of jolnt i «'Oiiinilttee meetlngs sliould t)e ari ranged to <?reate \vide party inter- ! ! t»st in the comltig elections. Mr. i Winne is to leave for the mainland ro attend important meetings of the | national comioittee in eonneeīion ■ with the convention to be lield in ) l'iiihnielphiH on June 24. He saUi he \vas hoī certain ht> wouHl <return to llonoluiu in timc for (iio territoriHl «M?eting. Mr. Davis was authorized by the eenlnil conimittee 10 selecl a spe- \ eiai conraiittee on platform s(lgges- ' tious, iuetnbers of whk'h need npt [ be members of the <:entral commit-1 too. The oonunittoe i* to include representatives ol tiie pany from eaeh island and district.