Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 2, 8 Mei 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Dorotliy L;iinonr. screen sarong star. fell niu of ;i eanoe at Wiilkiki Heai h tlu> oiher daj. A dozen l\S. t:lilor> (iivo<l intn t!ie wnlei' lo l>e tlte lii'sl t<> s«ive her hut :t *-iviliun he<it ilii'ni to ii. Wel!. \vhatV suro.iig ahoui tli:n V British elaim they lost a ship because it stopped long enough to piek up a sailor who had fal!en overboard. Just like the fel!ow who ran back into the burning house to get his hat. Tliis i> rneiiipioyiiient Week, i 1 ;in!w:ii'e IVa!ers Week :mil l?ahy Week. Ail ilial's nee(!ed to nnike it eompleie is a TirrMl <'oliinmis=rs' Week. NcM wil! l>e Music Week, liui jhere w»n'l l>e »i\v n'.u<iv. a !m iiKH'e swinsr. lliat's Canton island is goiag to have its own post offi.ee. Whoever the postmaster will be, he wil! have p!enty of time tō read the post cards. lsn't it about' time «onie of tlie pa<'iftst !adies heg:m n j -{>opularizin{,' that oUI \vartiiue song; "1 1 Hiln'l Haise My l!oy To Be n Soldier?" BULUETIN

"I' have never eaten a more tasty meal, madam." | Lel i>ay this vear p«ssed prae- ' tically unobs<?rve<.l here. Kverybodj \vas too Īei-zy to do tlie little vvork re<juire<l t<t t-elehrate it properly, SHE'S AS BRIGHT AS GRACIE ALLEN

Little Str«am!ines t the of?ice stenographer, sa>s it*s no wondef , the G«rmans ean g«t around fast, ' after capturihfl so many Norvi#». : gtan Fjords. I . .. j 01S WAR SHE GAT MANU£L'S '■ GOAT j Manuel says: j i »j( u..i u.'W vsk- Kur« g;tt niy goat, , Ra<!) hda Gvrman slnk wan l»oar. | ! vii I!' ° v.\ dis al! ilam lie Ah il ,\ <l**y i»lnk «jey aU \ high. ! ro(?ay (iei nuui beaī up da j r:t>tuh, I i iiiu' dii VUJI- ' !ur«' iwieh. j ! >,I V ; v. vōo. wid .>!.!v sīuull . Pl», | Say ik'V got «';i ull OSI ; rua» 1 1 >«mi < ;( v rni;uis s«v they got Norse- j j«h 4 « heat, 1 <k>y jxoi. no g«n, 119 fehelīs, j iiu *>at, j .Am' plaiHW fiy evwy day j An' k«H>n (i;t l»ri>ish irt>opj? aftay, • :Uut r>rhish -ay Mipiin dt>y >.nred " Mi' < 4i{''in'o oiu- Nei'w ljoi ti ! 1 *it t.ieruian tloy uil skU»s i An Hi«kv ii louali t'or tiu Alik 4 s. ; ī>Hi ti:»l s «ii« wlmt «la AHtos s«v j Wl(«t kiinl ~i war dt>. ut'.y\vayī i

t,«g«ndary; Onee upon a ttme th«re v*ais a Wair>īapd ncv¥spaper th»t pnhted th« true stor> 0 f a« H*j»a!iao volcano> A HYMN OP HATE A ffir! wo hsuv ls Kiossie l\ekeu; Hho w , !o; !,H'V>Til' hu\ « ?i* kot. 0«« of tHe pt«>« at « foca! theat«r th<« v>>eek *Th« Man Whe Wowldn't Taik." if u "The \N en-.an Whe WenWnH Ta : k" that weulei r»»Hy h*v* beer. >oirieth:na le ] t«N notict of *


Tlio Mnell of : We like an<l how; j Kx<ept ihe kind Tliat's so pilau Wliieh you will sniell ] Near Waiakea Mi!!, ! (li'i? a eomhination Of .-.kunk aiiū swil!) in j;i*e;U in-ofusiou There it grows; When you drive past P.eiier hold your nose. ! SOURPUSS SAM SAYS: 1

"t like the politicai 1 speeches Chairman Sam ! Spencer makes better |

J than any other speaker, because tMey are always the shortest" (JKIiMĀNS AT LU.LKHAMMKH IN' SMASHIKG DKIVK XOBTH — Xewspaper headiag, Just hau»mering a\vay at Lillehamuier. Whoever said there are no frogs in Norway must have said ] it before those 20.000 French soldiers landed there. I sove «U tlogs, lliev're nuut's he*i frleud, But wheu they haik all nlgīit, Well. that's. tho entl. —Puueo Pappy JUST THE RiGHT AMOUNT

When Sandy McPhersen bouflht his new car j he bought exactly 10% gallons of gasoline for I a 215 mite trip because

the salesman totd him the car wo«td do exaetly 20 ml!es to the ■ gallon. j SM-o!vhimn> ;m» not \wavin;; kiU<! in this waf. Tho iilt s a is so that ! the eneim faii\ itloiitlfy tho Scoi- | tish wglinents. Woi!(k»r if Uiovo is ♦ nn,v other wuy Scot* hi!it>n eun be I »d«»in i ■ i I®4o simile: As sure as Delej a«te Sam Ktrta's re-etection. f Si«n in a Hilo sjore; Sj>eeial j»alo On Pants Thi« Wwk. Half |t«T. |

r asski> btthk cknsok.