Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 2, 8 Mei 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ka Hoku Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii


hilo, Hmn, r:y.; poakom, 1940

J\lanma J\ <Hoa£aaia J Ka J£akul STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in English ond HowaiianV A • - • :»-• • • - » - l -.*'*•

No. 2

Tbe Stoi ot Hawail iu i>ubiisbed tn (iie iūLerests of the H&:vaiiaii p*?opie with a vl«tv to promotiiig g»iodwtli an-d preserving ttie lauguage and tradi •. Hawailan people.

Voy. XXX \ No. 2

Published and Dedicated to the Hawaiian Peopel

IHLO, HAWAII, T. H., Wednesday, May 8, 1940

Thto «eelieu vt K* Rafcu Q |« prt«t»d iu tbe EagUsh Unguas« tor !>e&efii oi tb« yoanger eea#ratioß, m&ay of whoaa do not re&d the ÜB£uage of tbeir fcorel,iiii&ra i a&d our Cauea

J. B. DIXON, Editor