Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 1, 1 Mei 1940 — ANNIVERSARY EDITION [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


With this issue Ka Hoku O Hawa^Bg|UlS..lts 35th. year of publication. It has been our . the past few years to celebrate this birth(3ay a» annual souvenir e«tion. This sho U H have bgnMj.fe.lssk, but it was pracUc.ally impossib!e ror seyera!. feasons, FirsL nearly every one of the nine Hilo newspapers got out some sort of big edition that week. Under_||||:h stances it was impoossible to sell enough a<3vertising to make it pay. it was deci<Jed to wait two or three weeks, longer to give the merchants a ehanee tq recover from the extra expenditures they had to make last month for advertising. . . .- .1, We are planning to make this a con?jbined Anniversary and Kamehameha Lodge Carnival Ectition. The carnival will be held the Jatter part of It is intention to publish an entire Maui and Oahu section. This will take considerable time but we are hoping to produce the edition by May 15. This year s edition will be printed in two colors, with a beautiful front page designed by Artist Chadwick pf the; Honolulu Star Bulletin. Samples of this page have already been printed and ean be seen at our office. We will be a little late this year but the edition will ! be well worth waiting for.