Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 52, 24 April 1940 — Naalehu Theater [ARTICLE]

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Naalehu Theater

Thursday, April 25 IKM rortiiyuoso niu&oal Friday, Apni 26 OCTLA\V wiih Ihe 3 ! RArKRTKf:RS 1\ KXUK \vith I ltm?orof! | S«*WP<f!»y. ApH! 2? ly.K\ontA tMivrr Naniy !wn*t!M* <*OWHOV whh l\>rothy i | Sund«y, Aprit £8 ,iHOI SHALT .NOT KILL with j «Jiwries Biekf<>rd I IOPPEK TAivh:S A TIU1» with Uoi 4auii Youog s T«««t«y, Aprii 30 VU-" SEVKN stanuijj Wallaoo l>oer^