Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 51, 17 ʻApelila 1940 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


♦iOTICe TO C»I£OITOR8 E«tate of WftS. LIOE, KAANANA^«c«a*ed, Aii cretiuyr» of Mr& Liue KamiH. ua, tk*<eiiwtKi. are hereby nolified to i»r«aieui ibeir eiaiuie wilh proyer voachers or dub' aathenUcated eoHweof, even ttoe elaiaa cr are bj mvrlgdg& ov r«k«l pro{>frt\, t<» the urtdersig3H-!! at hi» ottiee In the Knme Huildmg. Hiio. Hawaii, witfein four from the date of tlie fim i#ubllca tt«n of thiH noti<-e or they vrfīj lre fs»rpver barred. A<!mlnli*tra».«'»r Wiīh %'iH Aor<es;ed, K«Hte of Mpr. U«»e Kuiinana, 1 OmmM ■w h 1 I 17, 2i- -Maj 1» 8, J&4O, ' T!ie irierlims!o who \rlsiī>e€ to j hi< w.»rk well uiMM ūrA «herj>«4 Ji»i§ tool& . ,