Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 51, 17 ʻApelila 1940 — P.I. Warned By A. Fischer [ARTICLE]
P.I. Warned By A. Fischer
i The uatural resources fropi Cetii Iral an<l SoulU Ai»*>rly«n ; >uay, in llie ueai- future t offer siiff j ooni]K j tUiou to i>roducts j in lhe Aiuericau xuarkel, iu view oL the friendly policj' 0I tf»e UnUeil Rtates to\var<ls those nc«'or<l3ivjj to Dlredor Artliur F, Fiselier, s!ahi<,4uan mhiser oa nuturnl resources. Ile wui*ued tUe TIUUppines lo be ou ilie look oul Xor <hls copapetition. P!rector Fis<lier wus th>jmty vt>mmissiouer oi tlie I'kiliiipiue panieipalion in the Gol<iea Gate Exposīt!on. After tlie espositiou, Director Fiscl\«r toured Ceiurai aad Soi«.h Aineiiean et>untries, observiag tiie natural resources in those ! S]>eakini; of tlie t!oldeu Gute ExI posiUou. Dineetor Fiseher dechired tfwt the Phiiippine e.\hUut Uas givlen Uiealeulalile iMiMi.it y f:sv>>r.iMe i<o ihe i>iauūis. Tlie l'iUaiiiune I vH|«« w«s arkuovrU , Hli;ed lUe m<>si n: •• 1 x .'ri [ visltor&