Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 51, 17 ʻApelila 1940 — Maui Fair Will Feature Horse Racing [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Maui Fair Will Feature Horse Racing

H«rse radug wili a£aiju qus of, tbe major attractioms at Ute 23rd' Mnui L'outuj Fair aiid lieading |Hi« i»ig io)innittee will be Edward H. K. Baltlwin, who directed Uie most succes«ful ever In tlie fslaud9 during the 22ii(J Fair, last Oct<H3er. i Mr. Baldwin has not jet cailed iiis eommittee īOgether but it is uadersiood tl»at he plans to_ stage iwo <iays of racmg s possibly on the seheduHī as last |ear wliidi hri*l& th«' rucfs ou in llie uioru!nt; <>V <»prtiln- <luy, n< {o?icr 10 und in ' the aWemoon the 32th. Of »*ourse. tlie voi» T»>niiisk,v cuj» 'mi Miii i'e.tlure lair and rhulri «hl« ,\ear sho*uld aui imss an.vth!ng witupssed*in tīio pu«t. horses won u niiijor ponlon «f f«p l»onoVs lftsl ,vear anil Maui wportsmen arc dftprn!lned u» nnoui» ■Ht (ht* 2Si-d Kair. Kntries from RoBaid von Kuhua stablt» on HAwail are a <-ertainty āiul 'St>nator .Tohn B. Femandez will send in Kau«i colors sisr:iīn, Mr. lĪHldwifi has learned. Oahu, will, of course, <*onie up stroug and there Ls a hope that rarkt-T rajß-li Mill emer now

; «l»Ht Maui's iiu« heoii put iol>-|A-1 cuxi«ijt|yp. At-c:oi'dlng fo MaiiiluiiU ri±ee ex- j 1 ~erts, Maui!» u\erliautie<i am kls ul . 1r par witb th« bt-st i» C*liforaia, 11t hns- carefully sealed untH j iU« iiuii Ti>e Muui Couu-1 F*tr an<J EaeluK a*BocUitlQn 1 neiiiU $4,000 rviiiiu\uLiai; Uie i lruck £ujr tke 22uU Hpui Fuii meet | iug and furtlier iJiipi:ovemt:uts mil ; be made to it duriug the curreat iear. , * j — — — - | Mr. i«wbwea: 4.r« uxy softbo!led read\" yet, Lonej ? j Mr& Newi.vwed: I>ear, I've boiied j <hose eggs for 30 miimtes and they j just won't get soft! —Pointer ' j- Jutlge («teru)} ): Have you e\er j j**»rited * <loi!ar in iour life? | | Vttgruut: >oar bonor. I; j »';t n duilar ior vytijU£ for at , km «leeilon: —Gar®oyle v

f lie wlw «Uli a con«Unt; i vi«w U> Ms owu aUvactiigv wiU bv | tuurtuureU ftgalitst. j

i >uu iw>t t oui*erued Liuii 1 am iioi j lOlu Wii. 1 jseek lo t«f Worthj to bis kuuwu. t