Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 50, 10 ʻApelila 1940 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


MOTICE T0 CREDITORS €$TATE 0F GitUS GOQDMAN, DECEASED Noitce ls hereby gtven, that &ll' credītors of Gillis GoodmaQ, deceas ed, present or send their ciaims, 1 duiy verīfiefl aad with propt>r vouchor du!y autheuticaled copies ihereofi eveu the elaim or are secured hy mortgages ou real I>roperti-, to the uudersigiied at his' office in the Burns Buiidiug, Hawaīi. wilhin four moaihs from ' the date of the first puhliealiou ol this notioo or they will be for*ver I barred. t r»*ted al Hiio, Hawaii, this 13th |'d*y of Mareh A, D. 1940, I W. W. BEERS. | ' Administrator i March 20, 2*. Apiil S t 10, 1940. i - —. —_—