Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 50, 10 ʻApelila 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ma.vlie l!i(" s<ihh«»rs louk mi tirod.this nnio ol 1110 yt';ir is l>ocausf ilte\' liave insi tinī ! slti j d. u loni: Miuvh. Utter(y foolish: The cafe that turns on its ioud-blast radio with a swing program and then the trtanager wor>ders why so many of the customers ieave hurried!y and never eome back. THINGS WE COULD DO W!THOUT <N" 7) S:t!i>s»n-»n wliu AIV siK.'li u hi»fc 'l'hi» kūi'l thnt s(^;| FiM!ii d(»or t(.» <l<»t.»r. 1940 simile: As fult as a mail box 011 the first day of the month. LATEST NEWS FROM THE WESTERN FRONT t'oniiniiiiīQiU» N>>. : I,ast t;isrhr tii<» l'.rnisli ()ro|i]w j d anoihei' ton "<>f ieat'lets 011 ihe «>n(>niy lines. The Fivnih a tn>:ivy arrit!(M*y ii;irr;rjo stirf»v<h><l in ilonH»! ;inotht>r ii'(>nn:iii t<md speakoi\ This mak«»s tho loud spo;ikor tho <;<n'in:uis huw l«»st sfnoo ihe wr Uopin. WHAT'S IN A NAME?

Utt)e Streamtines, the office stenog, calfs her newest bo> friend Grapefruit because he's just a ?ittle squirt. DESERT POME NO. 68 <X«. <17) Aloue on tlie desert StroUt= Wallie Mel »<>o«lie ; He"d liave becn rUrmg yet If heM ,iusi nsed hīs noo«llt\ ] Wanda Waffleiron. the Waia- | kea fl!amor Qtrl. read in the news- | papers that some wonderful Aus- ! trian fencer had arr t ved m Ho- ] noiuka. She says she d6esn*t see : how he wiU ever be ab!e to m.a><e j a liv»ng in Hawaii because so few | peopie here ever have a fence built. but thīnks he may do pretty well later on this year when the , eandidates start bui(ditrs theīr ' polltica! fences. TOO 81G HEARTED 11ere's mie ahoiu ilio ; who (iioti nini wiini !u j weiii up ; iho iHHiriy jj;ūos wy« ;i<ko<i ttu< <}uestk<n hy \iw' sr;st*» keej>ev; "Ilave N«ia .'.iiiauHi iiiiYilsinjr j T» ihe poor:" j "Ay»\ io ho sj:s;ml th<? ] "I oiM-o .o s<< ss jioor \vj- 1 d<ov.'' j "<iivf hh:; !<a.-h Kliil | liw <;.K. to th< -Uu< ! II! (Ol? hiuii (O lO ll U'lUi i! . i ByLL.ET»N {

"I have all the mor*e> l'U ev<r want I bc'icvc in <»ccumu lati«g more v»ealth th<m ac *tu»Hy o*e4B, 1 tiKe tc sce ctlui» g«t the»r "Th-»1"> i'c im > \n it,i. (hv Klunlo • - ' vrhf»n v|»> sj»w Sj ■ ! wlllS t»cj;v :,i irj' f«r!M, | Fav©rite sons of Je«ish mer «*»«**; tet the We-'i £L- Bu> ~ I J|{ss \ t-v;» \\ r M, ',ltr *»f j "»s-* ! ! ." <• i j who?v «5 l'.' 1 ' "> fr*A« H»« k . -~\s Ui%ty ?»••• ' :,,'inur, th«ri!t .f= th«' 4 ' . t


This is old Percy Verance, who started in to try and win a pri*e in a Liberty Magazine contest when he was a young man. More than !ikely he'tl get a eheek from the publishers about the same time Henry Ford starts giving away thousand doHar bills. THINGS WE NEVER SEE (X<>. ») Am<ui!j iho thitiirs — Wo novor soo: A Sr<»t rot"usini; Soniethinjr froo. i SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"One of the advantages of being married is that you always have

j someoody to tell you when it is j time to s«nd your best suīt to the eieanem" MODERN VERION in tlt<» -.i yonng ~nuni's fan<-y ligluiy iurns io Uioughts oC fin«linjr-a joli for hiinsi i lf for īlio .suuuuer. Legendary: Onee upon a time there was a malihini who went to a Hawaiian luau and didn't say; "Your poi tastes !tke wa!t paper paste. LIFE'S DARKEST MOMENT Wlien yi>u"ve spent an liour iv;l(l iug yuur fi»vorite iH*wspiipcr ami y<m wontler why it i.s late tho iiiol you look at Ihe dateline aud fiiul ymi hare lieen readin;r last woek's edition. WouMn"? it mako y<ui ruad? Three babies were born at the Hiio Memorial hospital on April, 1. No fooiin'. LIMMER-L)CK 'l lioi'o \v;i.< a youn>r man of llawaii j Whn s!>oin ! !»<■ w*vk-oihl at Kawal j hae i Whiio sir<iilitig iho hoaeh Ho iik'l a yomtK poa< h — j Now h«>'s tlu*rt' < vory w«H»k. Know i whv; , LATEST WAR JOKE i Officer to buck private: "Are you gfad you're in the army?" , 8.P.; "Oh. yes sir, l'm tickled • to death," as he flicked another cootie off the co!Far of his tunic. | RitU?r's thiviuou<Hl UJiukrit\!r a,uainsi Knni.o lias uiniOil s»to a i s|t?,ktio^. SO WHATf ••When the palm «nd sham<"©ck meet," t»ishmen always say, v#i(l be ©« March 24, th\s year, for the flr»t lioie since 1759, Palm Sun<lay feil o« St. Patrick*s da>, but Englar*£l stiH has the top pan of ire>and Sll K'l.l ,!Ni' K!:!'OUi-l;P UN imik i \onxh.>;il!iit..\ Sh« , ill»*c ;i! ;( ?»>oat ltu»«lor Wil'N als»» iyi»ol-50»i lusl UiiilH. whui »;oiu> v :'rou, ti.»\in,. ;i |«sisau ina« lutio .a »ho , >. ; >.»av. | New«pap<« ī, «fUn rtft» 1» \he President as FOR. S«ppofeng ; Robert A Taft become* the ncxt Pres*d«nt, w<U he be call«d RATJ At !e*st the cpposition wdt be ( qutck to tak« advantase of such I , <i •. . ~ \«>? t)(4Vrmt\*» ' m'iin tho 1«-? on a i>po ! «n;n aiiil «ri »uu>lttoluH\ Yo« Kiiw u- huv a now ii«otor for.' Ui« 1 W 1 ,iOi . ' TOOAV'S VEftS»ohi j New i» th« t*me fcr .

men to c<*h« to t<u> «.<4 «( Uv» tAK«rs. ii«l»i,VAV<H»ti !M«n ; \VĪ4ii « ,\*H MtKn< l«k II4IWAI') f*M' „ \»..tu%Hi «itv 4\«<-k.v «liMi IHiMM, !*»< k s WA\\A iU \ A M|S TKIi ī