Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 49, 3 ʻApelila 1940 — Anniversary Edition [ARTICLE]
Anniversary Edition
Worls has already heen started oft the Au»iv©r»s£y Edition of Ka Hoku O Hawail, whleh wlll mark t6e~ <*lose of thls newspaper's 34th year and the begi&ning of lts 35th. It will appear the Tast week of thls month. This year's edition wil! be mueh d!fferent frotti previous edttions and wili <-ontain many interesting and new features. Thtere will be severai new features ahel pho'tographs of new people and new scenes. Auy ōf our readers who have good storleS and \vould like to havē thētn ptth!lshed are weloome to the I free \ise of bur oolunins. The only | Kti t .ulatl»n ts thnt the copy is sent Itn us (ts eaTTy af popsth!e so to avoid a last niinute rttsh. iDettfug out tliis extra large etlitlon ls a lot of worlī. Tlie kokua or our read.ers wili he greatly appreriated. If yon have anj' «isgestions to offer wlll he Rlad to recetve them. i Just addre.«s all <*onmninioat!ons to the Editor, Ka Iloku 0 Hawail, HilO.