Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 49, 3 April 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Tho revolut!on in \v;is >h<.rt Hved. A governu2i*ia >«pok osinan i«ai(l there Avas no MoinlshtHl. We ilon'l BolivJa, Mistev. ■ A kamaaina is one whō ean remember away back to the twertties when high pressure sa!esmen ! from the mainiand sotd a!most | everybody in Hilo one or more lots in Richmond, Cal., mud flats. NO REDS ADMITTED Loeal war voterans will nmhori at tho site of the new I.ojrion oluhhouse Suiulay niorniny io . U'ar i;ho tot. l>,oh is r«quosto<l to t>riuir a oane knife an<l sickle—4>ut not a haran>er aud sickie. Legend: Onee upon a time there was a Nationa! Guardsman who succeeded in gettino a uniform that fit him. DESERT POME NO. 67 Fatigue<i and asleep On tlie vast Kau plains young Oswaki Skītmer Who has gmving p;uns. Another needed invention is a Badg« that will automatically removt ladies who take letters out of post office boxes one at a time and read them w*iite folks who rent boxes in the same section stand aside and wait til) they finish. DENIAL A Chinese dish That's calle(i Wim Ton Was not invontert By Eiil H. eiUMū. SHADES OF OLIVER Can hardly blame Ambassador Cromwell for havtng a slight leaning towards the British in this war. No doubt he is a descendant of another ehap by the same: name who was quite an outspoken fellow in Merrie Eng!and during the sixteenth century, T\vo mainlaiMl Wl'A \vorkors niiiio.l sovoro iiijurios iiio ojhor iiay wiion thoy loainni auatns( u fon.o and the ieuoo feU. th»vs« foilo\vs nmst ha\e| Just stitrto(.l. The 01.l tiniocs know ' wlhu a Wl'A shovol is for, ] SOURPUSS SAM SAVS; '

"When a man flets ] lost the quickest way to j find him i s to his ' .. .. . i

write, Wives have an ur»canny way of finding their men t " \Vater, waitT <'v<ty\v!hmv— E^ei^whm 4 !>ut iu»re— If rltis up nnuli hmgor Koiks will ali <iri»U N*or. j Wanela Waffleir o n. the be!ie of | Waiakea town, took her first trip up the Hamakua coast in ten | years tast week. She says the ■ roads are #o crooked that in somf places she met hef-se!f comi»fl back. This mlnH»h\ p>os to { the eouplo \\ Vi.' AU KooVs ! Day av tt(.> (|;Uo !\»r \vod'!inu. ! 1 THINGS WE COULD 00 ' WITHOUT ; No, 6 j Cats that p'ff*>t !i\e C4rsary bifds to a rtīce d s'- cr-e*m dlnner ... Ticket #ellers «,»>. "Oh, yeu*ve just got to a ticket 1 from mt!" HENRY V414 ll »> ih;n ,t l.K.i! oVjra>.i āaīioii )m» n,. ml» r» h> tho Wli .tu it>' ••»:!>. th;u . oiii wiih Uk'si' w<n\Js; ii<.Hify ti«> i:igiuh 3 aiu, i »ns, H«»«ry t!:o Kuln) t I pn ♦narri«>il i.> \v, ! jS.v\v ho\j ShiīV »»wrrto*! umo> . Āii.i ovi*r> »*t3r tī.iv.-j Sli«' wnliin'l h,:ii W;lMo .-r ~ S«ni--rtr. lwi h 1 s 'i ii,,(.■•* *I, irr, iliiv i hssī

j THE CHAMPION LIAR [ I Too bad Ananias lived thou- j I sands of years ago instead of I now. He wou!d be most valuable to the vvarring nations of Europe and the Orient in issuing commiques. [ LATEST WAP? JOKE Xo inoiv han(l-to-h;iii«l in" j t i.is .■.« !; oyod war. NV\vs ilisi'atrhjos from tiic Wosirrn From rei>ort jili!H patrol (iuty ha> rca<'lied Ihe.loJ\oi of lti(Jian la. ii. s . T!ie Ki-oneh I elaiiu sv.i'cess in treo|o lroo fi<:htii.u'. . ~ ~ BULL-ETIN

"Nobody will bother to tag my , tf I park in front of this fire piua for just a minute or twc I Toolt>U .yuestioi; Xo. llt M | "Will I i.e: suuburi!i'a ii I just run i the bea.cli for an liour oi' iwo ' (!■ ni.v liathiny suīi' ! 1940 simile: As happy as a | Scotchman paying liis ineome tax. tTS KKAI.IA' A MISTAKE TO im TQO BEXSiBLK Newspaper li.ailline. \Vhirh we iii!ori>ret as tho modo:'n ve!'sion of tiie 01-:l sa\iuj: tliat "whei'o ignonitu-o is t>'iss "rLs folly to he vvi.so." ECONOMY |

San d y McPherson, whe !anded in this country dressed in kīlts, had a hard time getting accustomed to wearing

j troosers urstii he iearned that ' with the same amounl of cloth it I takes to make a kiit he could ] have a whoie two-pants suii j made. | | muiiou i*io- ] j l«r*'- ihiii sln>\\ jiit' pii-eoio j>iu.vor | iwiMi his iustv«nit'iit uit iht> \vroii{j ] Uiiio I>! hi.v f;tco. Ma>lu* ll»m» is |surh a llun- ;is ; i loft iuiiuied IUo-] j i"»' i'..o >•!' Inii \vi> iiii vo iu'wi' «'oii ] oiu. I ; TH!NGS WE'VE YET T0 | | . N0.5 Amona the things I We've yet to see: An Englishman Without h|s tea. GUERILLAS ANO GORILLAS

LinU» Sm\imlines 4 tho offioe sio»u>jr, iva\l ī» iho \vhorv s«>mo liiiii t iii»t>*<> \>ffioijtl whs Ni\vd aod sh<? s?ays slK> 0. •:«>*!;'• stv \vh,v iwoplo lako *.. '-: a >■ \\o,n.kn-ing urouiu! tlH>N> Vlv i«>«3t ;intUM)S.' T?1« Waui'Kea Hcnve#l«ad *r«A ■*• oie ' i>e a h*unt«<J , but «!icn ihe form«r UiV&nU | tno>fd out thc> tock moit of the $!>i< iU v\',th them. Ati«> \'ora \\>u, iht* MK> «>f iīoid'v U\w in a houw th«t lii<v ?»«> <-K>!s)»>v She «i,\~s she! i>» t»ms >( \vittu>ut aiij thai; r»i,~iv wiii !«- no plaor> for tho j ?j,m Nki'U»!.*»; (o hhH> i». j On the 6r,u*h *ection «f tht ' West«r» F(vnt; ' v Ht *>«» budd). o!d th* buwitc4 Hne wHUe \ . tyk« «i? b»oomS«* *ot bawth, ] wot" I Ijs(. kIoW j i-ū >;«> s ';.a M iujtn u» play a M\tTi«i tuua> lo «| p --w W. ;.«m> ho M<\ !<<».! Uiiu hs»t «u tnrtu«M m | 'i', >. v\,!i i>; I

Mexi\ , Mii Ih_n*us musi hav«? Uiml a >wiiig b)UiJ. «oJd.«r* on lh« Wc*t «rn Front nowi h«v« dail> hot .Oh, wh*t * iov«iy w*rl "Vo«r b«wth u rc*<l) t *trr* «*NCt WH6N U(0 WOisCOVN QUO(\S k£ARN TO QViACK* Ai*« m» n tlut( lUsho|.i «i wKHi XViUi <i "^UAek, tiu«vk' Ji>>m a WhHo i«usihsvj Juck •»» Hih houio lh* btontiU£ 4ft*r ihe I'hh' lIH' i»rī«ei>s - 1 loo,*!uSu St«i' KiiiUHUi. , Sh«riff <>t K«« wa«u'* l\H»iīag tu> mlm oei 1. Rdun«k w|i «U th« iri«h v*4r v« Ui*n«. N«Uon«i K<Hīji ot th« An«nc*n L«gi«ti u •rriv«ng H«r« n«M w««K. 1\» YMK KAi?4Ss