Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 47, 20 March 1940 — Allies Lose Face As Result Russo-Finn War's End [ARTICLE]

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Allies Lose Face As Result Russo-Finn War's End

! — > LONDON, Eag. — L"uited Press[ , ( Wel>b MUier sai<J U - " l'wiinn' rtpii:nx'ia Wvdtsesu;i > v thaij <.»ad of th« ltasgo-Fiuui&h war | ws>a an t th*teat for Gr*atj Hrit«in aml Fnmc« and wiil I>riuy hiu» plsy iunv factors| | wfeicb «uas hav« att i»nx>rlaat ār-| | fwt <>n th<» \v»r t?n» | iimd Umu«tt£, | I BerHn «nd Mi»s*xnr »ni <.x*usidor | Ii( si maioi- viotwry. i*s»rj? aml l A 'jj- ! | dou amst find son«e fortuuk wlile?» ■ f wlll «Mbi« aimi to «ssert lt ls not I U «»t«s*ronhe. | | To cons>ervative studo'nu of the {Euroj>ean situation iheee eonelu* (stons mt>d out: | | 1. '«» setti«iu*nt. if An&ll? r&-1 »tia<s<l—most hm boliovo j \ n wiii bo—wiii be a dcauu« Mow { to pwstls>? 0f the AUios in Scsndlf i>«Yiau bmUous aud the, Balkaus. It; |bnugs aii ik-audiiiAviHu i.\}untri*s! I*t i«aBt w ext<HH iuio the' , iittiisoHn*rimu» orbit, pn»b«l»'a wUll Turk*Vs to Ihe j I Ailk»s, »nd o<**ai\lsca?\> th* &i!ilstkM\ [ iu i\um:unu, w hcrc ihe iia\«! resisu\l \«crruAu cTt\nis iu oht«lu. Mmuvī vsviu\u«io dvviumaUvHi. | 2, Thv» t4u^' ; 4 iiui*tv\c Ocruiaiy"s <V\hkvu,U ouluv& •. aud hor vhau.v of iho Al ! Vu\\ - s \iK>ck«d<j \Vi<r " r A«th'"rit«ti\\*y $\n?t\vs saM Vr,- ooiu*i>Vri <*? (W* H * PV>s of ?tio | | Ws»c tv i>tv wr>ts of tr;io !k«ui!U.* * Om;o\V ocs ! |tw*VtN* tati<4SM*ra ; ■ *w Wcs; ar..l tV,o ',*>! of o> * | t**Msht«g * \