Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 47, 20 March 1940 — FDR Criticizes Russ-Finn Pact [ARTICLE]

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FDR Criticizes Russ-Finn Pact

; ASH t N 3T'O j* — Pregßeot ttotiseve!t has" jīt!ilftttfeea the ltus- - peaeo terais, deelarljij: fhnt thls warjJo&s cot * r!fy fho InlierPsi rfg7if ōf smaH' uations to rnalntenance of integrity against attack by superior force." He said the "spread of force J[eol>ardizes the rlghts of manlilne! to self-governiiient." Secretary of State Cort3ell Hull showe<3 u copy of tlie Presīdent's statehient to Finnlsh Miritsfef Hjaluiar Pro<'ope hefore it was Issuetl, " In his statēment tlie lPresfdent sald: "The Pīrmlsh people by thelr unexcelle<J valor atid strong reslstance ttt the face of overwhetmlng animl force have earne<J Ihe rlght to perr>etnal peaee ari(ī lndependent sOvm'ignly. "The p4*oiile a|>d gor«rument ,of Wnhuul again have inereased the warm regard ln whkh they are held h,v the people aud govenuiient of ihe Unlted States. althoogh it is clear that Rus»ia's superlor force i«jl«osed a lxartl peaee." His statenient indicated that the Ualted States, however» prol>abli' wili recogniv:e the Soviet territorlal because of the fornial diplomatic nature of the peaoe pact. Observers noted that Ihe Tiiited diii ihh recogniiH! the Ihili«iiB cou(iuest of Kthiopta and Alba-. oia, ©r Oenuaa &übjection of CxeLhoisloYakia, Austria, Toland t Daniig, aad Aleaiel. Soviet seizure of easieru Toiaud was iguored diplouiaticalij.