Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 47, 20 March 1940 — Snake King Killed By His Own Pet [ARTICLE]

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Snake King Killed By His Own Pet

Aurel»ō Amores Has Bc«n Ltvtna With «is P«ts Ur 20 Years A!.APAT, Tayabss-An !rontc iloalh w;is th; :'ate of Aurollo Auioros, 41, kuowu loeilli' as tht? K!n« <vf Sa*kt*, bltten to death one of !\is ow n i>ot cobr»s, Amotvs was someUiias of » loe&l le«vn<i. Hc osii,v developed a toud- , n««s for sn»k<>s aad coll«?cted aww '| iu his plao?. Some say Ws lnier- | «st iu tiates back 20 yean? ago. ! His eolleel&n of varii ous kiods or snal(«s, mo»t of Ihei» 1 Jot lht? dea<lly. v>olsonous tyīH\ Hts J i f«NMtiKvw for sjtakws was sueh that | ! h<? ehM of (votUv, »| I |XXM h# hr v ld v oar* to d«-vo!e' ' *H of his io his do*dt> ' | Th<> >**wod wo\*n th!s j »«n Ihw ,itr ix>sses4t;d mei "na j tn\K«nth\g;' t«ritaM*tt tvu ] jtterwi ht» iiannme to I f*ni». Sa*W* >Nert uot ib« onlj j *nim*ta h« kvft ** s«U, m* boui«| -: srn\tHl with w u<l mo&k<*ys tUat *** utit«& Xl* u«*l! |to bo»st th*t u :ld taoofcxy* s vo l;:au dr&*u bi . ■ ' 1 | *aid \h*l j*t %tft» |k» *** X)At] I fets t*ii*m»n dW aot w«rtL W4U*oj i ii« «m *$&«<&& !

* ***»< fe<M£Ui i* t }tktaK is »osi. but wb«& «a&nmu^', | ut 4ott« ail sa |tosi, I