Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 47, 20 Malaki 1940 — Cripps Attacks Russo-British Treaty Failure [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Cripps Attacks Russo-British Treaty Failure

SHANGHAI, China - Engfan<J nuulo a "proft>uiul n>lstako u lty not alljing herself w!th lii]ssia, Sir Stafford Crlpps, jiow touri'ng the Far Ka?t in a private capui.ity, sald Uiis. %veek. "There never v,ould have heen a \var if Euglaiul h;ul j)iado an allianee," he dccl;troG. CoiumenUQg on Uie I*usso-Fin-nisU \var he suid that tlie Soviets had uiado a, slm>id \vhcre-, l>i' Uk\y \vorld sjmpathj-. 'l Ile -sakl lie felt ŪuU U. S. Undorse- ( erotuiy of S(at<> Su:utior WoUe:s niissioii to 'Euroi't > was >! too \rcll advertiscd to be j-uccessful." 'T»ritain ean afTori3 a sho>v uown in the Far East if nece??ary," Sir Stiifford also doolared. He said that s«eh a show <Jo\vn woulē not mean * the ioss of Hong Kong. "There will be peaee when the ' Jaiuiaesfe urc out of Ohiua," he pre<!icted.

Every mau should make up «Inrt tlmt, if lu> oxpects to succetnl . he mvwt givi" an bonest returo for Uu» o»hēr man's dollßr,