Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 47, 20 Malaki 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

DuUlt East l!idif> ch;ir.i;e nulio ovviH'rs 5Uu poruioiiih for tlioir progrum.<. luu there aio no :ulveniseir,erits- o'n \Yomler liow'nni' h it.\vouUl cosr td niov< i ilien». DANES FEAR ALLIE3 WILL FORCE WAR.— Newspaper headline. In whieh case there really wilt be something rotten in Denmark. IU4O siuii!e: As scuiw us an Am i'rirīiK i\M'-<lollar bill. THINGS WE COULD DO WITHOUT (No. 4) Second cousins. Kona winds. April Foo). AND WHAT A CAREER!

Littlo StroamUnos .{lio o)Yuv stou«g, i)arsn'i ;usvanl;ige of f,oa|t Vour to ir.H ltorsolf n hu.sbaml. Amiiow, >he t!»e typo and she ,says. sbe must consi'W hor oaroor first. Wanda Waffleiron, the belle of Waiakea town, thinks~Wāke island is a plaee where the people never go to s!eep. TAX LIMMER-LICK S yonng merobant fēllor nanied Was Was taking in nioney l>y sacks; His trade %vas huraense In do!lars and oents— But m*'st of it %vont to pay tax. Both the AHied and German armies on the Western Front are getting uneasy and are "nānn* to go." Blame it on the cooties. The men have been in the trenches long enough now to be good and itchy. ftchiness causes »'rrttation and the desire to get out and give somebody a dirty !icking. (Me savvy). DESERT POME NO. 65 In a (ieo)i »losort uifch A in.,.r sales;"man is trapped; lle w<Hil<ln't ho ihoro If his tires \i. ro ma^peU, M»ss Vera Wett, the pride of Reed's Bay, was mad ati day Sunday. She wer.t to a fraternīty ehieken dinner Saturday night, but she didn't enjoy it by reason of the fact that she is very forgetful. She forgot to take her store teeth with her, and alt she coutd eat was soup and iee maw. sinr mi.k.vt aftku kei'ok l IKli SI"H. No\w|iaiHM" liOiullino. Then \vhy d.;> \hoy alwajs rofor | to a ship 'Mie?" SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

4 'o»īē advantāse the ! radio g»ves people Ss j that you ean cuss the ; .. ~!i * mr4 i

announcer al? ycu want to ana f he won't taVk tsack—whfeī\ ?suts 1 yōu o7i the i A BiT OP IRISH WIT ! {>« "ri js so 1«» St. Vu! j neh'» 1 •:iy iu'iv"s ;i Imi «»f ;i Mory ■■ we hoanl lvuh«>;iv *Von> J U«' «■' n;vj o i\>rvV: ] i\«< vva«- vt>rj' !»n%\ }»; t i .lii.e feuct> »>nt' *l».v \vhfii i;is trloiul] Mik» 1 ■ ;l-o!k|I, ■ momihii io y,\ l\M?i«K.| intl x\ ii.-H .>i«- v.> Hsi>! m<- tjsiiij 'M >«>u rm iiu» ht«corni>" j "1 m*t tli:H. I»flt whv tw» v««« lu ' s«»'h ji iimi? h«rr\. l % aUiA'" | "Smv ,415.5 h'-- !?M< vv»\. Miko \ inno .1 ' "V ivsīnt it'H su«l 1 r«s h«vryi' f to !\tiish tht> foiv-o W-1 •>.rv t"<-> iiv«»s o«l *" : THiNGS Wt'VE Y£T T0 SCF J («6. «)

A Scotchman paying his dinner I eheek and telling the cashier to keep the change. ' X<», dear. rhe !i<|iior inspector <lue« iTōr-lia\t* i<r -;iīujT!\ r ■ li'.'ii lir <-alis ;!i 1 lie haj-;-<M'ins. Tf i i ilhl t!i< rc wmihl ]k> i<i<i maii,v lVlli>ws ijfter liis job." BULL ETIN

Sincere Good Wtshes K<Hilisli <juestioii t<~\t: "Duil-| dy. is th«> bamlmastor \v;mn« lii.< ; arms ,nist t<> keop wanu'; ' i The Finns didn't g#t mueh help i from the Swedes after alt. What they should have done was to j j send for a eouple of hundred j j ii ishmen. j Miwlem CpuftK'Uts sa.vsi: Per.soii | !wh«> s%veopstake iirkot is !ike ! \lnwise slum oliihl wh<» ti<'lievos īn i Saina Claus. AS EXPECTED

When §andy McPher- | son c<i!ted ?.t the post ' of?)ce for his mail yes- | terday, he got letters from the Mainland, lre- J

' land, England and Wales and ' a post ©ard from Scotland. j NEWS NOTE | Uffker F.ob Oallahan will leail | the St. Patriek'« Day para<le thisj year. Jaek o ! Brien will liave ( ■j.ciiarge of the refreshments. Dad j j Uevino wiii oooui>y the revievriug j statid, ! nrnft.\H roi> it?kt.andi <vn hvn vTKVEn rr thky cat.l ] !T XOW.