Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 45, 6 Malaki 1940 — If You Must Fight, Join Foreign Legion [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

If You Must Fight, Join Foreign Legion

PAR ī S — Amerfcan i:itlzens, may Jotn ihe Fr<?aeli ft»reigu Legloii | vvithout losi»i; thelr ciiizeushji.> 4 but wlll autoniutically be deprived of their Auierioan rUjhtis If ' sigu a eontraet lo serve willi the regular Freneli or 13ritish anuieK, a spoicesman for tlie Auierīcau embas.<y liere said in explaiuing rules and regulations controlling Amerleans since passage of the U. S. neutral!ty law. However, restrictious iu the issuaheē of passports in America' iire. expected to keep the nunihei of Amerioan oombatants relativeiy ] smali. J " , i!n"rollment !n the Foreign Lejgion wsth it the iienaky of willidrawa! of the Amori<an i>iissiJorl, whleh, however, will he returued to the soldier for passiage hoine, whereas entry fn the f"rench or I>ritish armles, InvolViiig an oalh of al]egsanoe, aulomnliealh depr!ves the so!dier of «11 Amenean rights.