Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 42, 14 Pepeluali 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
I" Tpd*y, L>jst fime f| I"ALLEGHĒNY VFHIK]NG" wilh i John Wayne a»d Clalre Trevor Tomorrow a|nd Friday "FIFTH AVENTfe OIliL" with <iinger Rogers, James Ellison and Walter Contiollj-. Saturday Only ■'ESPIOXAGE AGfeNT" uiih Joel McCrea and BrCnda Marshfill [ Sunday and Monday ",Tri>OE HARDY ANT> SON" willi i Mickey Kooiiey hnd Lewis Stone Tuesday and Wednesday, next week "L>AYTIME WIFB" with Linda Darnelt anil Tjrfefle Po\ver EMPIHE Today Only "PI.AMINO I.KAl)" wilh Ken ilaynard «, '■ "H4)UKOKS OF WAU" feature\eugth i>icturt> of the warrh)£ natlous. ! Tomorrow Only ■eHAKLIE CHAX 1N TĪIK C]TY IN DAKKNESS"| wkli Si«ine,v Toler and I.ynn Bari Friday Only "NAGLAHONG I>AMKANA" w itli Liiian Velez and Kosa Del Rosario * Saturday Only ",TYVN -TYO Nīl.lirS(MV wiih Tnkamino Mieko. "NOKEN N<> IHKKnU .11XSEI" wīth Kirita<-hi Noboru Sunday and Monday •'ONE HOI K TO LIVE" with Ch«r !es lUrkford and I>oris !Wlan "THK TKKKOU OV TīNY TO\VN ' wfth an air-Midirer cast. Tuesday Only -JITARE2" with Bette DavLs and Paul Muni