Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 41, 7 February 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

FAJLACJi Tociay f Last "^ime "THEv siiall ha|k Mi , src- > with Jascha Heif£ta, Aiulrea Leeds and. Joel McCjroa Tomorrow and Friday "\VIIAT A LIFK" \vitl» .īaekie Cooper, Beiīy Field and John Howard Saturday Orjiy "OKLAHOMA FHOXTIKR" \vith J uhnui Muek Hrow ■SECOXD BUKEAC" willi Mai'ta Lalinrr and Charles '01iver. Sunday and M"onday 'OOLUEN UOY" \vltli Barbara Stanwyck, Adolpiie ' Menjou and WiUiaui Hold«n. Tu«sday and nex: week "ALLKOHEKY UPRISING" \vith Johu Wuyue and Clair«» Trevor EMPIRE Today Oniy ■TllE LIOM'miOON IS OVKIt" wilh iSluart Er\vin aiul Marjorie Weaver Tomorrow Oniy "MI."ITNY u.\ .lllE ELSL\OIvE" with Paul Lukas and L\ n Harding. Friday only •NAMUMUKOI» XA BITUĪN" with 2tosita liivera anel Carlos PadiHa Saturday Only "JYUN-.TYO NIJIUSOO" with Takaniine Mleko and Ilosoka\va To shio. "NOKEN NO niKKLHI JINSEĪ" \vfth K!ritaclu Nohoni. Sunday and Monday "MISSING EVĪI>ENCK" wiih Proston Foster aml Irene Horvey "KOLL, WAOONS, KOLL" with Tes Ritter