Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 40, 31 January 1940 — Visit Recalled Of James Boys [ARTICLE]

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Visit Recalled Of James Boys

MILWALKEi:, \Vis. — Johuj J. Tobiu, Ul-year-old retired fanu ] er, remembers as il' it \vere "oulji«eBterday" tiie tiiue Jesse James, the DOtorious outlaw, aaO bls l)ruth ers throu«h Milwuukee 01» their wa>- io the Northfleld, Miun. t bank rohbery ou Seyi. 7, 1876. j lle toid »uinnbers <»f the Milwau-; koo IT}stori<.'iil S<H'ioty liow one eve-' aiiiii shor;ii beloro suudowu he went to do chores Lu tlie baro across the road from his farm home. "At the gate", he said, "I notu*ed five uien 011 horses ai>j)roa L hlDg. I \vas attracted partk-ulariy l>j the exccpHou«llj- tine looking ihestnut horses, ail alike—so trLui and fast. I uever had s?eeu auy Uke theiu aronnd these part?=. Worft Bu«īness Suit« "The uieu eame nearer. Thejwere ueatly dresi*ei3 in business olothe<. Thov \veiv heavilj tan- ■ neil. au\d 011 o ha<! a bn>wu l>eard. Thev stopix>d at the gate aud the l>earded nuui aste<l lue the \v;iy to the nean»st lodging plaee, He sald he anii liis īuen \vere golty; up uorth to buv sheep," Tobin recal!eil that he dk>ubted their storj% but tohl theiu of h eoiubin»tion i>ost ofTioe-imi t\vo iulles ■ awav. T.ater his kqsplc!oq« firew,; 1 530 he deot<led to his uticU\ j John i Kwnhne. who liaii a ftirm } nearhy, TohJn an»l hts unde i to sro to the lmi for a ir!imj»se At | the uien. "The men wore liirge-hriiuīiied, hiaek hais attd ftiuiuhled eonUnual- j iy while <-urds, hui T could , »ot «m h ti word of wkt lhey s«si«l." Toblu oKpluliuHl. uik'k j and 1 left sfter aKuu 20 minute>." I Tobln s«id he focgot the iucideut ! uniil a svtvk sater he thai Ihe |4atues gaug hnd ivl>hod tlw» |«t Nortiifiteid. The descri|rtious lu lihe i»o said, tal!led wUH, I thtvs? of the feve men, J«t»e B«*Nted | * l rotneudH v r it vcfi wv v ll»" !ic ! said- "ThosoJ mtsti l «t\v \v«c*ī t"lsc j Janu\* t>oys. Thc oue wUh akM ? ToMn's d<s?crU>tiOtt oī |Jamos rfrc»mu* of th« sheei? | | storj dorct«u! wUh iufortttātWu el» ! ] tauicd bj KoUi?rtu& Love* authorlu\ jou tiw UOUH} v>uiiaw who wivtc, i Tbe Uise »ud l'ali o£ iesse . JhiuoSs" ofteu mewious tlic j f<i«e hor%x*£ usi;d Uie auu j«4ortes tt«»j iuu4i<»ei>ers I tarater> - sucii Um& they ww j hu.\ers t or bus4tte&s meu. Seh«jabeU jUMcl*r of Uie [ historlo«l uju*CUU> «.ud HUrnu 41J j iho eouuii , t\itvin h4 a IM ; \ »««r> *ud hia j»tors Co&d&>!L witU v«K> he h4d lu%srd W«i sbiMW, «iHW Uh» hoj» t»si&s ta Mi« , i |