Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 40, 31 January 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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TH£ MORNtNG AFTER THE NIGHT BEFORE A PJantation Ba!lad (By the Anonymous Poet) ffs Mi>ndny morn :ind 5 a.m. \vith us onee again \Vitlvin our beil we lie forlorn Aml listen to tho niin; Now up we tottei- to our feet, i»nr he:i(l aches like to split, For Uist ni{rht we \vere indi?vreet, So-»lown apain we sit. tw lonuue is s\vollen in our iuouth, dur In'.'Uth wniellii like nmd press, (>ur blooils!iot eyess look nortli and !iouth — Ue.l sigimls of distress—■ \N'e !oUer 10 ihe waterpipe T<. \vash our featui'es gray, W'e se;ti t h in vain for towel īo wipe (•ui' dire distress away. Tis ilien we noti« e on the floor Our SunU4ty suit lies there, lt !uakes us more than ever sore To īhink of■ wear aiul īeai'. Our I'auama hat is l>adly ha»hed Hy st(ineone's eruel blow, Our iiopes of saving eash are dasii Wheii we survey the show, A dull, nunil» pain now grips our' tbroat j As iu tlie glass we spy, Last night wheu we removed our coat We elean forgot our tie. In seeking to loeate our shoes Deep fun-ows line oui' brow— Doul:tless we will liear that they Were left at some luatl. Tliere is no use, my friends, to weep, Or eveu raise a groan, If iast night we had heen disereet, And only stayed at home; Our Monday moni miglit still l>e blne, Our head iuiglit still he sore, And we «>urselves would only rue We'<l missed the night before. OGN*T EAT THE HOLES, BIBTER

Littie Stneamlines, the ofītce pet, has quit eating doughr\uts since somebody told her dough. nut ho!es are fatt«n»Bg« Hilo nuui has driv«n a car for t«ore f!inn 3) j wiihoul an ao cident. Gosli, tha+ fellow sure musl know how 10 do<lgi> Kaiupan busses, Finnish women are said to be among the most beautifuf in th* , wor!d, Maybe that's the real reason the Russians invadcd the , eount ry. j DESERT POME NO. U | r>rtving <iv,-r tln? | In tlie f«il of ihe moou j Makes uervons ehapn \vi>h i They't] waeh Kona sooii. | Wanda WafT?eiron, the b*Ue of j Walakea towrs, didn*t bother to ' look at th« naval veue°<( that t w«rt here !ast week, because she ' »*»e ha» seen Amer!can war , shipt but «hf l*eani ion« ' PortUBu«#« **Ut bt , c«minQ In toon and then she ex , p«<t« to r»a!ly get a thrill. ! ADOLF'S FUTURE ADORESS A poauanl s # MU (..> Hi',s. v : "\w <an Uin' Attil o?i tt W";is fht' <* īir o i>f umhrell« mau Sir N*>\iUc Uttic Streamiinc!> saj* she t think* th« Finntsh kCi«i«rs ai* . tiM Mlt humane in th« vtorl& . Sh» fMd I»» t*i* wh«r e the nvmiint vmr* -n a tem . p*r*Xvr* Vt īc-\' tvt the Fi»tt* Wtr* m*k!«s e>er>lhina , |)Ot for th«m. Sh« th>.k* that it K'nrfne*{. to iJ

WHY? i \Vhy do giris so ofteu choose īīusbands who have blg opus, | Men that waddle like a duck— Isig, fat ehaps witli wliieli they're i stuek? j I I Wh.v do fat nien piek out wives Whose figutvs look like butclier knives, ! Wlio Wiilk on feet that act unruly— And yet lhey iove eaeli other truly? j BULL-ETIN I

"I never have the least.difficulty in maktng out my ineome tax report. AH you have to do is follow the simple instructions, whieh are always so clear and to ur»der6tand.'' WARNiNG <Si«a! huniers on the sīopes of Mauiia Keu are hereby warjked xiot ] to sliwt at tlie lim thing they see uiove ii» frout of ihem. 3t raight be a Wl'A worker. No, gentte reader, the official song of the Russian navy is not "Red Sails In the Sunset." DANGER AHEAO iineheior boys, whoiu we wou'i fflMaatioh, \ Face this jear with appreliension; They seeui to have u lot to fear, The girls all know this i's—Leap Year. Cattle baron insists the only th»ng that ean ever be raised on Puu Oo ranch land is the price of the lease, in spite of V.A.C. « contention that ti-,e b«ron is all wet. LIMMER-LICK A WPA feliow nameU Curl io eui haked l»eans b.v the hui' rel TiU oue at iuiu h hour Ile «te some that were sour Si»H«e Un'iu uKHHion bean.< and he'H saarL TaKING no chances

Sand> McPherson's vvsfe īnformed her good man one morning that she expected a party of guests that afternoon.

He immediateiy rose and put ali the umbrel!as away. "Why. Sandy," she e*claimed, " da « y« fear my guests wiii steai yer umbrellas?" I l'm ifriid they'lt recoj. i n<ze them.' | LATEST WAR JOKE { TIK» *«VWH) vlass j»ri\ h a j a | <1 ?>»,»!m other tilgtu. | ' Auil what \vas your lmut'iful j , askiHi h»s buddj . | 1 1 saw :;0Ū drjll » |®e»ots a raft in tin> tiii<i<l!e of i ihe weau—mikiu^. SOURI»USS SAM SAVS; 'j

One thuig the uene, <t ha« it f j»ktts»c f«Ji * ;*Jt ct

I nora»t to i«m ab«ut lit I ti« c»iu(Uri€ § the> didn't know» I aUoul Ue(v>re — t<\)m Urufluay to . Kituand. n\KNKIt omK<KS MIIATaUV !\' A N S N « 1. .. UĪ i Wo wlih iho Ykn? Tivsi , iVm. \N\« Wu<hl - t-uvVV iwo buoks j vlurH j,- ;l;o vv«>rKl wai' «na wo, ;ia\ »'!Ū »i U ba< k vou ! A« dUtracte<} at jl fVSp wskfr. W„;..",a Vt \\uj> U'iU.iO j kvsl . .. .v.v'iA U'V» urv»uiul i\k , !>*«Al.li W . V.. >av viiv.C\i OU » j ūiu o v-;.v «aOi fouud ! vj\ ! • t > j.4t i»sv 4tvUSC» Schcct princt|>*i Kw*

t»W K«k« NuU h« OwmiM W «« tc ' Hwelwlu «n<| rv* ««iumn in ! • n*w*p«p*r. TVat U«"t »w«* f«JK« h**e be«n teī! ' itt« to «d, j .M» IWl' |