Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 38, 17 Ianuali 1940 — Governor To Get Kona Airport Plans [ARTICLE]
Governor To Get Kona Airport Plans
| The tuauer ot the proJecteā air- | ,port Kailuii. to ser»e the Ko&a i districLi uu llte Bi£ wiil Ik* { i)ruutiht (Jv?vvniōr Pvīa<3exf ier souu detai!ed siie , are rt*tti\ed,. U'ui? S, C«itt. terri t Xoi'ū.i iiuUli, viwrksi s Ui>triult?u4etii swid Tumlsi. ! A <kt«iled |»H>t of tiu- «irf«mrt ī «ud « «f the «lie &rr ji«»w im«« |»rep«revs tu tb« |«t U«v«it <«»r Mr. Otfu't offloe. ! " Mt. Oaitt the fover»hvr*s at--1 Tenticwi T*noa?«j be lo the pos * <,f enchaaj:iug terHton«l \ Knn<!s f«r r>n«perty uo« <«waēd «Sopervisor r»ui& Green*ell. Ur «t;rwowrt! has ia<dScat«d hls lu«ssi īo gire up lan<3 esseatl&l for f ?f»e iw»sr alrporī le excha&£e> t «l*er !aods ow©e4 l*y th<? T«rr!tot3. ' Tbe «ia>or |y»«īoti ef the ' a<*r*« necded for ī>,«- %«V; \ h*v*> t?> W fr»-ui %ht \Z | UaoValani estaie l>v lla*rsH , ' Mr. C«I» *ahl F*te of the prc>ec < »*TT»wi wiōi I ttw» afeWHv tHe <SMiuly f p>lir<'tv3of thi> va"»u <»f tW alr f slte ] M»" Oah, sal-d <M>ta iSi«£ !ani f,<r • the r»tr|vn •*«> ibe maJor barc'.r ' ttw «'«**-.! :<Kr.xH.; ,f ;i<f I a«t twl 3fr | Kn! t»j «rtn\. at 4 la ■ |sāan«! Aima* * t>fTivia'.N, JiW sl?e ;W a.isj«nfri. Ali fa\orie*>-! .*» ] of tiw» .<3;e.