Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 38, 17 January 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

I>ALAL& Today, L«tt tim« l'" ( willi liloiīu Jeau, Kobert Cumminys mul (irey. Tomorrow and Friday "THE CAT ANL> THE CANAHV" with Bob llope ;ind l'auleīle Goddard. ■ S»turday Only "i'A<JK iOUK Ti<ULIILES 'j with Jane Witheis and The KUz j Brothers. j Sunday and Monday ] ANOTHEIi THIN AiAN' with J Myma Loy ahd WiUiaiii Powell. i Tue»day and Wednesd9y> w ce k "I)RESS with tlie I»eadi Eiul Kids and John Litel. EMPIKE I Today Only j ■*KVEKl r THINXi'S OX 'ICK" witli! li'eiie I>jm i iiinl Knscoe Kani u . ! Tomorrow Only 'IIKIM) VOIJ A wilh lM.k Komii and Aniīa Lotilse Friday OnJy "MT*TYA NC KATirI'XAN" witli ! ltcardo aiul Arsenia Franciseo. Saturday Only *'KUKOSHIO" with Kuwuno Mieliiko and Tsubouehi Yoshiko Sunday and Monday "HEROES I\ BI.rE" with l»ick l'un-ell "HAND LANI>S" with Uobert I?ar-1 rat '] Tuesday Only ■"ANOKLS WASH THEiU KACES" | \vith the l)ead Eud Kiils |