Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 38, 17 January 1940 — KA HOKU O HAWAII [ARTICLE]

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Estabttshed April, 1906 ★ THE STAR OF HAWAII | P. O. Box 1004 Office —171 Keawe St.. HUo. Hawaii . Honohilu Office Phone 5917 917 Alakea St, Also address ali correspondence to P. O. Box 93. Kauai Office, Lihue H©nry Waiau, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year ...A 13.00 (Cash in advance, ?2.00> 6 Months |1.50 i Advertising Rates on Application Entered as second elass mattei at the Post Office at Hilo. Hawaii Under the Act of March 3, 1876. PUBLISHED EVERY \VEDNESDAY ! By THE STAR OF HAWAII PUBLISHING CO., LTD. Treasurer & Business Manager E. M. Pesha Editor in Hawaiian Solomon Anakalea Maui, Molokai and Liinai Represeßtative H, L. Holstein Kona Representative Thomas N. Haae, Sr. Manager Honolulu Office Harold Godfrrey Circulation Manager and Editor in English J. B. DLxon Iloopukaia ma na Poakolu apau AUHAU O KA PEPA O ka luakahikl 18.00 (Uku kuike, ?2.00) Eono mahina $1.50