Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 38, 17 Ianuali 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
J\ i\ooiaaia Ka cCakui Jiauraii STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in Eng!ish and Hawaiian)
HILO, HAWAII, T. H., POAKOU', IANŪ \fil 17, ]m?i.
No 38
'ī'lie Stai of Ha-wali is pubiiāhed ia ilie interesta of the Hawaiiau peeple wlth a Tiew to prcraioting goodwiil and preserviug the language and tradi- , Hftwaii«i peopl*.
~\ol XXXIV, No. 38
PulM»ed and Dedicated to the H»waijan Peopft
HliiO, HAWAII, T. H.,
TbU MeUon ēf &• lioku u H»wiai i« priutw<l ia ihe Euglieh Uinguage for Uie keueHi of th« youuger g«?xieration, maay of wbooi do aot re&d tbe iauguage of thctr 4t>r-;£atU€rt, auā our C s aucfi ' it4nBuba«;rf&era. ' ' ' '' '
J.B DIXON, Editro