Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 37, 10 January 1940 — Mussolini May Be Bought For New Territory [ARTICLE]
Mussolini May Be Bought For New Territory
T.O>-DON* ā'l')--"lvr<i>H'iit r* | port» reai'hii)g iteuiral i>ersous ■ "āedare t!iat Franoe h i!ud Ha?y uiv ■ uppruuclH»g an agreeiuwu wliirli woulā !=ubBtaQtialli' improw tlse prospect of contiiiu«d Iluliun ih'U trality. Un<ier th« reported ui;re«fnj< j i!t ltaii wou!d receive po lilieal uud eeonoLiiie coni--eitsiyiis froiii Frajjce. No Formal Treaty It was uatlerstood tUut iL dcf, :■ enee to the existinjj; liaio-OenaiU» uiiltiury ailiunee Pmuicr >ign u formal in*, ,» nt is not in«lined ut this t<> j l-'niiu o-liaiiiiii recoii(-i]iaiJ<<ti, S>u; ]thut ways are W\ng >ougTi! io ]<ur ]eratioD.
It was believed thi' ouiliiie <>f llu«greeuient ineluUeU tl«e follu\viij« points: 1. Franee woulil i;raii{ lial \ ct)aiplete fucilities m l»ji*t>outi ( imsibly eveu Uwng tUe harlK»r to li.i jly for 94) years. li Franee wouiU iran»fer k> haJii" a contrt»liiug bkH- oi siiures i)s (tbe Addis Abbaba-DjilMJutL niihN-ay. | i Itaiy woui<i receive o«e-tSūrd tor" ti»e sbares in the Suex e'anui i.ouit»auy aa<J a si>ecii3e<l nuuiber «eats on ihe conipaiiv'h bojml. 4. la Tuaisia, Ybieli aj»i«arentli is a stuinbHng-block in the tH'goti»ti«as. tbe Itaiia»s an<l Frencl) wouiii iiave equai cuhur ; tl oi.|x»rtunitie« as to use of an<l ha Uaos uii«iu be giveu mhiw jpauou iu a<luiimstratk>a of TnuK |4iuwev«r, Uie Tuiufelaii busc *«. lUk-iih woulU retuain wlk>H,j un I «ter k couirvl , MSS