Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 37, 10 January 1940 — Vatican And Italy To Fight Communism [ARTICLE]

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Vatican And Italy To Fight Communism

VATICAN l/ITY (UP) — Jt wa« reported Tuesday nlght ltaly and tfee Holy See bave reac!ied an un- ] i derstandlns regardinp pamllel actr(on on behalf of peaee and against ] the spread of Oommunism. Informed persons said tbe aeeonl' was an aftermath of eonversations betweeu Luigi Cardiua Maglione, papal secretary ot state and Itallau Ambassador at Large Diuo Alfior. It was understood Pope Pius XII psan.< a personal lour of lialīan eaUHnlnU» lo the sprlag to help strengthen relations. Mmuiwhūe, the Pope sent finaneial aid to neeOy Finnish Catholics tbrough HelBingfoß? Apostolic Vlcar ilsgr, Guglielmo Cobden. īt was pointed out tbe Pope's aid to F!nnish CatbolScs fo!lows referenee to "preraedltated aggression ajrainst a small, work-lovlng. i>eacefol people," in hls Chrlstmas "Rvo «peeeh.