Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 37, 10 January 1940 — Federal Government Begins 1940 Census [ARTICLE]
Federal Government Begins 1940 Census
WASHINOTON (UP) - More tbah 12,000 enamerators Tnesda*j' inaugunited the 1940 <ensus In one 6f tbe most extensīve fart Bnaing surveys oF business ane! indusfry tlie federal government ever made. Four of seveu separate enumerations started Wednesdav morning— business houses, manufacturing plants, drainage and irrigation i units, und mines and quarrfes. j The other three — population, 1 housiiig and agrKu]Jure—will begin April 1. The business and industrj\ census is expected to require five months to take. The manufacturlng eensus will show satlstli'ally liow the nation has fared slnce 1937 when thē last such survey was made. Enumerators are expected to cbver approxlmātely 3,000,000 busl- ' ii('ss firms. 170,000 manufacturlng lplnnts, and 12.000 niine<« and quarj ries. By Apr!l 1 the number of entimerators wlll be swelled to 130,000 and workers wlll seek detalled īiaformatlon regardlng more than l/tŌ,. 000,000 inhabitants in the Fnltēd States. The enumerators will work in 143,000 districts.