Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 37, 10 January 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
Alanaia J\ Moolaala H Ka <£akui <Hau>aii STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in Engl»sh and Howoiionl
' HILO, HAWAĪI, T. H., Po\"koU\lA\TŪ<l hi t ~]<m ' - • . ' "
No. 37
Tbe Star of Hawail ls publlsbed 1b the lutereBta ot tbe Hawall&n. people wlth a vlew to pramotlng g*odwlll an4 preaerving the language and traditna Hawaiian people,
Vol. XXXIV, No, 37 •
and Dedic.ted.to the H.w«Un>eople
BDŪL6. HAWAIL T. H., WEI)NĒSDAY, JANUAHY 10, 1940 . :l ? ■ - .. --' li
- -- ■*■.- *' > ■ *,% ~ This sectio& of Ka Hoku 0 Haw&ii is prlutea ia the Englisb langTiage for the benefit of fJbe youQger geiieratiou, maoy of whom du not rea<s the laoguage of their fiorefathers, and our Cauc&--■*Sm *a&Berfbers. - * " H
J.B..dpcon. £*<<>,