Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 36, 3 Ianuali 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Isu'l it \vouderful lio\v nntny relutives a i>ers;ou can loeaie uround Christa»as time, \vithout eveiriiaviiiK to look for them? Why do fotks have to write their namet on the Christmas eards they send out?... lf they didn't do that we could send the same cards kaek to them next year. Think of what a saving that would mean, HAPPV FATHER

is a ptcture of u Hila {Hthi'r, laken t\vo days aftt>r l;hrlstßias, while he is stiH suffering from indigestion following tne annual stuffiug of turkey, Ile has just reeeived the flrst batch of Christmas bllls—and is he liappy! All he needs now to complete that happitiess Is tlie tax bills fpr the coming year. Poor father! He wishes Christuias would oome every 20 y«irs. OESERT POME NO. 54 Aione on th« de»ert, Far frow objective, Sits poor Sa!esman SeHers — His wiring's defective. This is the time of the year when mother has to send the carpet out to the deaners to get tbe candy and gurq taken out of it, Children are so eareless about seattering sticky candy around wben they have so niueh of tt. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS;

"There*« oniy one thina wor*e than Chrlstmas, lt T s the headache a

lot of foiks always have the day after and the resentment one fects towards stuffed turkey." l<X}y simile: As unattnutive as a Santa Claus eo»tume tbe day af ter Christnjas, Australian troops have arrived on the Western Front. Now the war will rea!!y gct started, SWiNDLED Our good friend D. Hunter Kydd is responsible for tbis one.

I» a Cbristtuas ruffU> a Scotchnian took a sixpenny ticket on a pony anu t rap, whieh he was iucky enougb t« win,

Ali hls ftieud»s īho«ght Iw» wouUi be ©v*>rjojed at thts good ftirtuno, but wh«u īlie p**Ji.v aoi tra|> w» n x mkeu to him, sU hc dkl was to walk ar«)UUii surv«>yi»g ilhhm with * gwmy fa<*. At l«st he wmeā iō o»e of hls frlends atul saīd-"I lokl j« the wholo thins w.ts a swln 'Whi, whnt's the iūutterr" askod the other. : "WeH," deinaiKhHl fh«' So<uoh Uian. the wlilp?" T K t Ru**i»ni th«> ca«n *»n a tp*ed> vietor>. th# Huw *«» are ju»t BULL-ETIN

| W «o slax «t * 0 gi> w lwsl >v« \ <*»*•* „ liM fAW#; On< * wpon a MM * ♦*'»*<*« w+,c d>d*n

say, "Oh, the Christmas present you sent me this year was just what I wanle^." TEOUBLE SPREADS IN IREI.AND ON XMAS DAT—Newfpaper lieadline. Well, if it didn't it wouldu't be īreland. , Switierland will participate ln ' New York's 1940 Wor»d's fair. j The Swiss navy is going to bring | over a big shipment of eheeiee. CHRISTMAS POME We've got a lot of faney shirts, Also a lot of ties, LUit we \vish tliat fo!ks \vould al\vays tirst j Find out our proper size. The past year hasn't found any cure for Wanda Waffleiron's dumbness. Now she thinks Dr. Hin Min Lt, commander of the American Legion, is the man who invented Ho Min iee cream. YorXC PEOPI.E TO BK AT eilElieīl «EIĪA'K'K Ne\vspaper keadline. Now that IS ne\vs. Ōh, we«, a tot ōf folks saved money on Christmas trees thls year, anyhow. LONG, LONG AGO First Cattj Actresf<: OU, so 50U Uiink. you're such a breath-taking beauiy, eii? Well, iet me lell you, when 1 \vas nineteen yenrf? old 1 won u beauty contest and the eity gnve a colorfui parade in my bouor." Second C.A.: lieally ;• How vrere the horses and buggies deeorated, dearieV AND WE'LL BET JT RAiNS

L«ttie Str«amiirse«, the office vamp, is «o thouflhtfu! of everybody. She bouflht her FlHpino | boy friend an umbrei!a for Christmas so that he cou!d go in the Ri*ai Day parade and not Qēt hie new suit wet. Another mueh needed invention 8 ?adsret that wlll prevent eolumnMs frotn wHilnp tbe >aine old ChrMmas }okes every year, NEWS ITEM Hi!o soda fountains dtd a heavy business In bromo seltier and h«adache Tw«s day morning, De<, | TIMK MAHCiiES