Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 35, 27 December 1939 — "How's Your Hawaiian?" [ARTICLE]
"How's Your Hawaiian?"
That's the nauie of a most interesting book, recently puhiislied by George T. Aruiitage, manager of the Hawaii Tourist Bureau. Mr. Aruiirage has presented us with an uutographed copy, whieh we greatly appreciate. The tvoob is well written and attr»cl)veJy i>ri»ted. lt coiuatns many Lnterestkig storie6 iu tion \vtth lucitlents Ui the life of ilio {HHiple of lluwaii. gouie o£ tUii? stories ;uo eitrouiely l'uuuy aud all wlio enjoy iliia type of story wiil appi\H-iate this book. There is aUo miuli valuaMo informatiou, esl>ecialiy ln regartl to Hawallan words aud phntses. The boviK ?ells ior ihe extremely low price of Ssc. It is uieeting willi a ready sale, wlueh is proof of its popuiarity. We estend our sineere eougratulatioas to Mr. Annitage an<! liope lie will write otlier books of like nature.