Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 35, 27 December 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Tue boss 'has retumed froiu Mexieo and has hrought back a big iiat, but he isn*t going to throw it iuto any poliīieal ring. Wanda Waffteiron slapped her boy friend's face the other night, She says it is always the fresh egg that gets slapped in the pan. FINN'S IIURL II.MK IUSSI- - S~Newspaper hea ii i ng. Thut's a hērtding Uuvt',s Uoen nin ning every day for the i>ast two weeks, DESERT POME NO. 53 Hiding in the desert ls Little Boy Blue; It's Christmas, he's faroke— You'd do the same, too.
ALL UPSET Sandy McPlierson is all upset this week be|cau?e.lie lost his eliew-iug-.gum iu the ehieken \ Aud to make mat-
ters worse somebody took his pieture aud priuted it upside down. Fortuuately, Sandy wasn*t wearSng hU kiU at Ihe time.
One of the nicest things about Christmas being over is that we ean get somethsng on the radio (perhaps) besides Christmas ads. At least untii somebody thinks up some other kind of torture. Anotlier mystery lias? heen solved. We eoulilii'l understand \vhy thore have heen 110 ants in the house suice Friday. nigiu, umil we ieamed that they fouud out there >vns still a lot of can<ly senttered arounā Mooheau park. 1939 fable: Onee MP«n a the kids refused any more Christmas candy. SOURPUSS &AM SAYS:
"That agoiiizing sonnd iuvuie hy tlie radio croon- ( ers gh es me a good idea .U-inn l!\st
uf hōw the livi»g giauuuors gasp iuust have si>uiidtd. The imforlunaīe part ls that ttie erooners don"t seen? to have any iast' gasp." News dlspatch says NINE Finris killed 700 Russiafis. We knew the F»nns were ttie fightīngest bunch east of the Rockies but that's more than even a secondrate newspaperman ein betīevē. SHERMAN WAS RIGHT War is hell—llelsl ugrofs. īMmistt, Selgolaad.
Only a few more days and we ean turn on the radīo and Qet something bes!des Christmas ads. , During the past few weeks the sale of phonographs has increas•4 LIFE»S DARKEST MOMENT When you miHw that there Is oali- eae day teft to <to your Chr!stghoppJtig and s*«i hāvw"t bought tlse wifē anyth!«g. a»<ī bauk awouiu is ovor«lrawn. niul day wou't be for auotl»er week, voar crefllt !s #o^. WOuWn'ī lt make you fees !ike a jKK)r bull-etin
M l hop« th« fir«i doe«n*t ftive a ChH»tma« dlr»r>er for «mp!o y«l th!« y«ar. t h«t« ta of how the fe!!ows wiM fec! the nt*t da> M MOOERN VERBION Hsirk. l»w ]ViUO •>*> r:\rll. \v tv '' l>Vt > lig t*!and »chvVi>l «ffachert «ttght tō b*u«r now, Maui l»««r4 of »wpervUc>r» ha» 6ecrttd th*y wlii h«ve to pa>
over there, too. Now the Maui teachers don't believe there is a Santa Claus. DISCOUNTING HER MENTALITY
ī.ittle Streaiulines remarked the' other day tlvat her job itself wasn't 1 so strenuoūs but that the niental 1 strain is terrific. Now she can't j understand why the rest of the ōfliee foree had to laugh when she iuade that statement.
1939 simile: As seedy looking as this year's Christmas trees from the mainland.
Oomell University professor's hobby 5s coilecting bugs. However, he refuses to include the species known as jittērbug in his coilectiou.
There is no truth in ihe rumor that new6paper offices are installlng lie detectors for ffltering the war news. And there's the Soot<?hman who \vouhln't buy stockings for his klds until aft«r Christmas, so they coaldn*t hang thein up on Chrlstmas eve. POST OFFICE »S BUSiEST SPOT •—Newspaper headinfl. An<| īt takes just as !ong to buy a stamp as it does to mail an armful of packages. If yo?i hear loud laughs today it won't be from the folks reading this oolunin.