Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 34, 20 Kekemapa 1939 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CtcA lcv«e\«s p\»one
(Ē§& ATTENTION | LEGIONNAIRES! All members t>f Hilo Post No. 3 American Legior» are requested lo atlen<3 llie regu!ar month!y meeting 4 at the eounl} supeivlsQis* rooms, county buUding» THURSDAY, DEC. 21 . "i at 7:00 p.m. lmportant business. This will be the last regular meeting of the year. Re freshments. C T, TONG, , , ii | * To the rtesaders of Ra ! loku 0 1 iaw.au || «4 ou * H«n«ukn frten*)U \vc aicn<! th? J1 §>ra*umY. j wi«h them ov\t *tnctit: A!ol\a, 1:1 * j I|l i --- - ---! || THE II JfIEN'S SHOP l mw I Lwiij |