Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 34, 20 Kekemapa 1939 — KAUAI EDITION FOR NEXT WEEK [ARTICLE]
|| | Ka Hoku O Hawau is putting out an entire edltton next weēk j for the Uland of Kaual, due t.o ! the actlvity of our Kaual pep^-" j aentative, Henry*W. Walau, wlio^ j ls doing «xcetie'nt work Tn pl'ae^ I ing th!s nevdspaper in the honiei" J t | of the Kauai people. i ' Hundred of copies wHI be ' j printed and distributed on Kau- ' ai and Niihau by Mr. Waiau and ' I his well organized group ot i j helpers. ■ ! ! Watch for the-Kauai Edition [ i next week.