Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 34, 20 December 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The jingling of bells at this season of the year may be a]ii>roprithttt really counts. As a rule Russtan so!diers ney«r take a tiath. Wonder if that's the reason wh'y the Finns are getting 60,000 gas masks from England. Francē lias <lraned hor "hunana tl»vt" into naval sorvlee, Nmv tlu» Frt s iuh people wIU tmve no >>anniias-, IN DOWNTOWN HILO For private cars There is no piaee, The busses take The parking space. ANO THE SWISS NAVY 1S STJLL »NTACT Switzerland is abdut the only counfry that li«sn't lost any s?iips in the present war. BULL-ETIN
"i never put S«ss than tcr> dol- - m thie Satvation Army Christmas kettles," The way tlie riims h;ivo hoou pu.«h*mg llio inva(U'rs Moli is eno\igh te gire the Tiods the Wmos. Wanda Waffle!ron says she thinks a more appropr»ate name for the League of Nations would be the League of Notions. The Russiaos say they are waiīiug until ihe iee freezes thleb enougli so they ean slip Uno Flnland. Slip and fall. SHE HAS HOPE
Littie Streamlines, ihe offlce home-weekei-, who wU! sooq be in the old maid !s Blad next year wlll be Leap Year, She int!mates that she has a?ready ma<fe up t»er mind who s?ie is gotnfl to propo«e to, Mr. ana Cror(Jon Jvujb of <*>( kata, who wore nianio.! o» s?ut«r day, sailed ?un<Jay for Mau! \vlu j ro tliey wil! vis!t t!ie l>riite*s fa!uily before going over t<i lloiiolulu.— News item. Jnst swrt of golt»g oi) rt Jnnk et. Blfti on 8 Nattenal Park CCC ro*d project: f WEN AT WORĪT ! ] SLOW j After seeinfl the wa,* the> v(»orlc, we t>e?feve in sisn&. OEBERT POME NO. S2 On a dark desert road Slt» poor Johnn> Trent; Both r«*r tir#« »/* btomi A«d one ax!e ia bent. ]ililTlSlt (U'N i ('K \ W.l SliU' IN ARC7TIr— UoaUHiio. j Straim?fiu«; tīiink- j the flrlt!sh ftro f*»r ] gt?ing 0»«* <>i-o of U)oir SOURPUSS $AM SAVS: **I »»n*t oh b«y»n' very e!aborat« > Ch'ietfria« pr*s«-nts t?>U ' ySf! iNWf*u«f t €*«*t f Tt. 1 And the neaeon t !t f t« that ) Have r« f d *1' h :M » | whleh 1« •©«**<»*»*s" 1 Tw Oiat ) Dow w>\ wt«, Tl}īfct ' T© las» Flim
lf Minnesota was in Sweden I the Swedes would hav« twice as ; big an army as they have now. 1 But instead of Minrtesota being in Sweden most of the Swedes are , in Minnesota. "AYE BANE TANK SO, T00!" llu.\ ha\e u small armv, the S\\edes> hii\e iuore "tanks" than anj other anny in the woi'hl. RUS-SKIS Finnish soldiers are equipped w»th skis. Ar»d we were thmking i ali the "skis" were m Russia. j LIMMER-LICK | Tliere was a young inau of Hel-1 sinski, Who (3ressed hij»se]f in wnnn skinski. \Vith a guu in hi* haml lie defen<led lus laud So the Russians eouJd not get inaki. Since the Finnish capttal Helsinski has been the obj>ct of air raids, emphasis should be placed on the first syllable. JUST SCOTCH 1 HRIFT Saudy McPherson. who SLV KUts - Ohristnias shoppin>:. He xvh«! seen ltiiyiriL r stoekintrs- for the tmtrns, :iu<rhe houj, r li! the smaUe>!t >izes ]>e ro«M The sidewalks in this town j must have been built during the ! dull season. No allowanee seems ] to have been made for the Christ- j j mas rush of shoppers. ] I : ' [ Exiie Leon Trotski, fonuer dietator of Russia, must eujoy the war news from the Finnish front these days. FASHION NOTE
Koko-Nuts has lost so man> umbre!las lately that he has eiesīgne<J a new-st>ie suit as a protectlūfi against w«t weathcr, one that makes !t unnecessary to carry art umbre?! a . And herc it is. !n iry weather the hat ean be used as a house for the dog. The coat ean instantly be tum«d into a screen for the bathroom. in order to keep the feet dr>, aii that is necessary is to stand on a rock while the flōod wate-s rush by. Very usefu! in Hiio on wct da>s. (Patent pending.) AB«ther uiuvh n«.v>Jed iuveiiiion ?> !,< ' w ef l'ank pasi>book ihai j oan'i get )oss. j MY DAX : !