Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 33, 13 December 1939 — Navy Revising Drill Manual By Jaouary First [ARTICLE]
Navy Revising Drill Manual By Jaouary First
The navy wUi fali io line with the axm)- and omiue corps when it adopts the uew "streamlined" iufantry regulations after ihe first o£ the year, it wae iearned tliis week.
The new drill eiiminates the uiovemenT "sqoads right" and the old rear ran"k.
' Hear Admiral Chester W, 2iuuit«» <-h!ef of Ihe bureau of navjgation» lias anuounced that the navy. jb engaged ln t*xtenslve revlsions oFthe !andlnir force manual In eonaei-Uun w!th c!ose order Infantrj* drill aad that the rev!sed d?!l! wlll s«i ink> pffeft after Jau. 1.
I Mr*. Steven« Returnt j | Mr& Hohon Steveus, who hsi& j | beeu spendiug souie Uiue in Hoao-, ] i iuiu with lier daitghter, Miss Na- j i pua Sieveiis, who liaa a -<ingin£ en- j | there, returued on Sa- | ste»»uer.