Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 33, 13 December 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ineonie tax. Beneflt show tieket sellers. Reckless auto drivers. Grocery bills. Radio programs, Politieal canipaigns. Uneuiployment Jitterbugs. . Swlug bands. Saxoplione players. Irisii sweepstake tkkets. Christmas. LIFE'S DARKEST MOMENT When you read your pet story in your owm paper after it is printed and find that it wasnt proofread and the Wliole thing is ruined by one little mispiaced ietter. And to make it worse the star reporter on the rivai papetwits you about it. Wouldn't it make you mad? Russian Foreign Minister V. M. Molotoff suys Russia is tio]t at war wlth Finland. Then we liave reason to belleve that a skunl< d<tesn't smell. BULL-ETIN

"1 hope they don't put anythinj3 on theChristmas trec for me," 1939 fable: Onee upon a tinie Santa Claus t>rought everjthing the kids asked for. ff Russi3 isn't at war with Fini*nd, then what is it? Some sort of rfng around the rosy aame? LIMMER-LICK Oh, a wonderfut uian is MokUoff, Who started a war aud won't eaU it off; B.v kiliing the Finns He adds to his sins j Whlle he piaj*s second fiddle iu' MoscowpofT. j SOURPUSS SAM $AYS; !

u«ed to" marr> for weaith but nowadays th#y seem to be sati#-

fled y*lth a mortgaB«d home and

• immml car." THEiR FIRST BATH In attempti»g to cross over the thin i<v inany Russian soltliers broke through and some were drowued. —News item, 1939 simile; As f?at at dad's pur«e on D©c. 26. OESERT POME NO, 51 Alone ou (lio di s sort ls jxx>r Jolumy Kom; m» iights a l l And he*s waltlu« for oiom. P«dMtrian« «t*n4 a tt«tt#r ehanee »f motorlsts u»ed thetr tpM"* for bumj>€! , « 1 «h Kamehameha avenue at ttatt WARSKi HeWSOVITC H Tl»e Riis«slans ari' movlng s!owsVi. Kf>r lt's h»r<s to Ute snowskl, But the ot» thelr sV;īs Oan fet there w!th ease A»d «trtke ttiei» a pMty hHrd bk»w»kl.

•©M, SĀNOYP And he-e'» Sand> Mc Phei-«en ag»>>, K«r* th« ehap whq a«ked »toy Black*hear for an Sce

ct**m eon* fcec*u»t «to«* n w«« • *»«# »«p?» t* A »ULt RAY?OR j6OT hls !nto 22*rtor FrU*v *KTi • 1 - tMiroe lii* that - 5 s> ■ 4 ''» , «r lookout *nJ r\ot «*<» K*«t V« u> l'


Little $ti*e«mlincs, who is a great admirer of Greta Qarbo, s«ys that a!l ehe wants for Christmas ts "yu«t to be aione." No, dear readers, Koko-Kuts hud on!y one Thanksgiving Day. J it is rumored that Hilo is to have a second radio station. J What have we done that we shouid have such punishment? SERiQUS THOUGHT The papers say 200,000 Poles are starviug. Aud liow about the Finns and the Czeehoslovaks? Last jear they celebrated CUristmus. This j*ear- whut? How oan anybodj' en)oy Chrls(tuas and thlnk of the-«e unfortunate people, All "Christlans", too. Phooey! We'll takc our <shristmas in the woods. where we ean forget that we belong to the same eree'd. — <f . Where was Caesar when the lights went out? PAGE ANANiAS MOSCO\V (l'P)—Foreign Minister Viacln>slav Moiotoff interrupted discussk>ti wiih Japauese Ambassador Shtgenori Togo regardiug forthconi!ng trade ueyotiatkms and recelved United States Ambassador Laurence Steinhardt, who delivered President Roosevelt's message asking Russia and Fin]and to refrain froin bomblūg civilians. Molotoff w®iied tliat ilr. Roosevelt's iiiessage was "groundless.,. based ou misuuderstandiug." He deuied that Soviet pianes bombed Firmish cities. He said tliejdid uot inteud to do so, slnce the Soviet goverunieut values iuterests oH tiie Fiuuish people the sauie as. anj- other governiuenL He sald So viet pianes merelj bombed Fixiuisli airports. | "i*OOSK 1S A VIPER!" ]

Gfrt Born A daujrhtor was boru at the Hilo MemoHal hospital yestorday iuorn inp to Mr. and Mrs Louis of Cahrinha lnne. AU's weU. D*Uflhter Ber« A dau|thter \vns born yesfcerdas momlne to Mr. und Mrs. !Um Silva 4 Jr M at the Hllo Memorial hosi>itu!. t?oth doiug well,