Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 32, 6 Kekemapa 1939 — Danger Signals Installed At P. O. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Danger Signals Installed At P. O.

One of the first aeiaof the uewh ojganizfd (ra£fic eommie&lop , Ui i*av«- toar «liiie posis ia»t*lted on the wail at the rmr r>t th«» fx»st offlee. The posts we» !nslaT!ed th!s week I>y tbe eouMi*. | ;b* fe-upervisioD" of Uae Count'v | E,, h, WttQ£. Tbe>- wIH j «IM»% a U£ht at .Qi£ktf~ Warflig TB£t four ißoothe | thr*«? cars g»ne over tfee v«3l f ssd (several people liave l>een inf i«r+ā Tk« l*«t one weel over tM« i week. when fonr or f!*e Itlspinos ] «*r* Snjared. |Tf !s hopea tti* pO«t? fcelp i luweni rature &eel3eota