Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 32, 6 Kekemapa 1939 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
Alanaia J\ J4oo£aala 3 Ka «Cakui J4au?all STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in English qnd Hawaiianl
HILO. HAWAII, % H„ TT)A KpLU, .6,. 1939
No 22
Thfe Star of Hawall is publlshed in the intereßtB o£ the Hawaiian people with a view to promot!ng g»>odwiil aud preserving (he language and tradi Ml3 Hawaiian people.
Vol, XXXIV, No. 32
Pt£&l>ed anj 6edi<»led to it£ouiu^^e.
HĪL6. HAWAikT. H„ DECEMBiy 6. 1939 ,
Tbla section of Ka Hoku 0 Haw»U 1» in thē Engiisli 3auguage for the bcneflt of tfae > ounger *.< .it ratioa. uiany of whom do aot r<ead iiit- laugua b e of iL«.i: «0i efdth«iris. acd our Caucastaai B«it«īcrtb<?rB. ' " ' "
J. B. DIXON. Editor