Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 31, 29 November 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
| NOTtCE T0 dwtD>TORS \ E«tat« of !THOMAS K. NAHIWA, Dec«as«d. j | AU «re<litors of sald Thoatas K. i NaWwa, deceased, are uotlSed to | ti»elr eiaim*, witb proper j vo«chers or duiy autl»eiiLicate<3 <-%»- ' pie* even if the eiaim ©r 4 ciainis are ses:ured bj on % reai property. t« Cliaries L, Murraj, at his otfiee Sn tiie Territoriai Surney lieparīfaent Building ia Hiso. Hawaī!. within four m<«nths from the date of the fir*t pui»Ucatlon of lLis noliee ttr thr.\ w*!l Lmj fort\er harmL t'is> «»th iS.>y of Noveuil»ef. A D 10&» CĪIAHI,KS U MI*KHAY A<tajln|stmtor. | F.stiiti. <.f ThMt;„,* K ' NV>v. S. 15, 22, 2Tt - IiKW.