Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 31, 29 Nowemapa 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRtSTMASj — PRESENTS FOR PROM,NENT HILO CITIZENS - For ehainuan Siunut j l M. Sp»'ii- ( —tt»r. a i.*f W 4 r H iitī?:o < cigars. For liep, Ro\vdy C<isui. a niie wife. * Fur Jaok o'Brien, a new meerehaum pipe. For C'ounty Atturaey M;irti» l'eiue, a wawlnuli to rt>i>lii<-e lh» olii unkeii hmkei. s.> Ih> i ; an cafch £er iish. For 'l'om r«iro, a stt'aily j<>h ol soiuo kimi. For l'ostilia!?ter IHnino, ah<>m | iuore ikhv mail boxe>. For r»aiHhnaster Wola, enoUiih j money from tiie countj to buy new iiistruuietits for the haud. For Mitcliel Ueraehuoi«, a good ohoe piayer and about six uiore gootl violins. For Kenneth Kyerly, an advertising eoiitraet wortli ahout SliuX>o. for the Tri!)ui\e Herakl. j For John Lee, a liot tip so he ean get out an "ext ra-extra." | For Doc Hīli. the eontrol of all ! the theaters on the Big Island. For Roy l!hukshear. six more tuhles so he ean tllspenge niore | lunehes during the rush hour. For the Keaukaha people, a free luau lasting tliree days. For Jul«s Oarvalho, a new rtsliing ouifit so he ean eateh bigger aiui better tishFor E. H. Moses, a gadget that Win \varn him of the approaeh of advertising men. For Sheriff Martin, a new song • for nest eanipaign. | For the Weaiher iian. a raspberry pie. . ... \ For Rep. V. A. Oamilho. a new umbrella. | For all tJhe kids in town, enough 1 roller skates to <-onipletely eover all side\valks. j For Bill Chun, a fe\v more eoni- . mittee clsairnian's jobs. j For the Anierican Legion, a new eluhhouse. j For Guy Buddle. a Wstory of the I World War. ] For r,<irdoii S., rulon, a week's va- ; ealion at Koua. | For D. lhmter Kydd, a Scotch j bilt and a set of hagpipes. | For the sehool teachers, free eot- ! tages. ' For Hoiner Swiek, a new set ot golf eluhs. For Frank ĪTuff, jns{ u ehan<*e to nnike a living. <We luivo his own word for it.) j For Koko-Knts, a * 10.000 a year job with the Ilenrst syndieate. 1 THE ALL-SEEiNG EYE

Phou> t>y Ens< st Orune We kiunv ;i miui na ? M uui >1, And he is wondr i ī Ho's k«unvn ;ts an iusjxvior And. lwy. f s ho i> Kiu h Dlght l!«is M;unu»rs ou Utt j<>Vi I\> see the la\v's ol>ci t>d, Ami rvrrv "lioker" doaW'r In tht.s oU3 i<i\vn is Tl»e ou*tomors wl).> MirU annuul Wi« watch tho )inrr»K i ih lUh nu-f tlu»\ V.',.O\\ UI./. Mai.uo! 1« sn»in<»W'boiv tli Tlif UK>V'U. Thort' .< 1H» i'.iiuo liih hUio rn'in N<> i»atH>r vvl»stt >"t) do : Vovi TH«y iiot >v<- M i But "Mannw" siirt' \ul\ Csltfemia, home of the Tov*n. »«nd Pī«n, an<l "Ham *n E9Q6." r,ow b*s th* Ri«liar»4s "ProJ«vtic n fo< l ! M Pi«n," to eod uner»plv>>m*nt >o t**at *Ut« Th« Ul€gt "&v:fteme" wtlf probabh L<? cf. %>-(■ HBI» «wiw ntormtn£ a» "mws" lr « •. v \Ve*lem rr©at. SOURPI'J>S i.AM SAYS;

Hogs are worth more "ōrrlTTē"TaFm Than they are behind the steering

wheel of a big touring car. When -tr- mit at the wheel gets tight the traffic hazard increases. OESERT POME NO. 49 Alone 011 the desert Is poor llttle Loule; l>uniped into :i rut ! Ānd his iire< all \vent hh>oey. j Even if CaJiforma hasn't suc- ] ceeded in puttmg over any of its ' i plans to end poverty, at ieast it : I has succeeded in getting a lot of | free publicity — and that'Vwhat | i made the Golden State in the I first plaee. Call it baloney ,if you t want to, but it gets results. Now is the time for all good meta to eome to the aid of Santa ClaUs. SHE'S VERY SYMPATHETIC

Little Streani!ines says slie read In the i>aper that the Nazi newspapers are supporting Finland aiul slie says its nioe to know that the poor Finns don't have to worry about \vhere their iiext nieul !s eoining froui. Wanda Waffleiron, our dumbest female acquaintance, thinks the Chock Inn plaee at Kamuela is the name of a hote! for tourists. HAWAII'S FAVORITE "ADES" Lemonaāe Orangeade Federai aid. TAX OFFICE OETS NAMEO —Newspaper headline. We've heard tt called some names that we can't print. BULL-ETIN

"If this country gets lnto tho war, ni be one of tlie \ery first to }oln the <-olors." "Link" McCandl«Ss gct a eheek from the federal governmefit Jast week for $109,333 for land taken over for the navy. That ouflht ! to be enough to cov<r the expenses of next year's potitica! eam pafgn for the Democ.~ata >n Ha waii. U«*« faUlo: l.liik MvCunau-s i« to ««e that hu«<.sreo thousuu<3 to st>roatl Chrtsttuas ohoer ;uuoji£ th« |H>or. And there's the Scotchman who atways aees to fancy dress dancēs as Napoleon, so that he ean keep his ha«d ewi h!s poekel book. I T)h> <;ortnan s\»vornor of Wars}t\v i li:is or«|or* i i} r»H ,lovs in ihiH cSty Snto Iho <;hoilo. Wo s«p}*o*o lu 4 s«UI 'You VU!s <;ho(to h -1 out of h<"iv" j Liuio Stroaiulliu>s sa,vs iiio>jt I ft.;ks Uijo.\od ThuukNihhii; h\i\ for jh« r it wa> juj«i aitoihor ThurMlu,\. I And s«>. «lear fo'fc*. we*l? have tc 1 \ «tep. I ! (lt'a ttme tō f**4 our facO | ' Wt fM>!tS sk wrlte iomi j i : wm%, ! I »i* W>t» lt *H w ipaee 1 | "««!»> ar** hw« 'we» h 1 Ullk, |