Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 31, 29 Nowemapa 1939 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
lAianaia J\ J4ooiaaia D Ka J2akui <Hau>au STAR OF HAWAII |Printed in Ēnoli.h and H,9y,Qii gr L^_
9ŌLO, HAWAtt T~H., ro*KOLU,SOVKMABAS>,IW " ,—' ***»- r<" -n-'. .j,
No, 31
Tht Btar of H#irafi is pub!iebtd hi tbt iatereiti of the Hawaiian people with & view to pr«notiiig g«»odwIll anā preserving thc language and tradi- . ■■ v Hawaiian people.
Vol. XXXIV. No. 31
Oedicated to the H»w«Han Peopk
; HIIA HAWAH, T. H., \n-.rNEPT)\Y. \OVF.MBF.R 2»,
.j^L» Tfci« twtJoū ot K* Hoku 0 H*witt u prlotc4 i& th» C&g!iib iftnguag« for the bt&«fit ef th« younger geoerat!on, maoy of wiioni āc l>ot read ihe languajge of tbelr fiorefatherE, &nd our Caucac)*ii ' ' '
J. B. DIXON, Editor